CMAT is a four section paper that which contains

Section 1: Math + Data Interpretation

Section 2: Logical Ability

Section 3: Verbal

Section 4: General Awareness


Each section has 25 questions and with 4 marks for a correct answer and -1 for a wrong answer. The time duration of the exam is 180 minutes. So compared to MBA CEt where there were 200 questions and 150 minutes, CMAT has just 100 questions to be solved in 180 minutes. So ample time is present to complete the test. CMAT is going to be one of the most important exam for admission to MBA course. A lot of states have accepted CMAT as an entrance exam for the colleges that fall under their state. Even in Maharashtra state CET has now been replaced by CMAT. So the top college in Maharashtra like JBIMS, Sydenham, Welingkar, Somaiya are all accepting CMAT scores.


Difficulty level of CMAT is comparatively simple. Math and Logic sections are simpler than the MBA CET exam that was held. The important sections that a person needs to do well in are Verbal and GK. GK has proved to be an important section in the exam with those who do well in GK invariable do well in the exam.


CMAT is being held twice a year: once in September and then in February. The best of the two scores will be chosen for the admission process. If a person does not do well in one of the exam, can still make it by performing well in the other exam.

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