CMAT 2014-15 (First test) Notification is out

The notification for CMAT 2014-15 (First Test) is out. The exam is scheduled to be conducted between September 26, 2013 to September 30, 2013. In continuity of last year’s pattern, the exam will be conducted twice a year, with the best score among the two being considered as final. It will also be conducted in certain foreign countries to facilitate NRIs/POs to appear for the exam.
Following are the important dates for the First Test :

Registration Window July 3 – August 21, 2013
Availability of printed hall ticket From September 12, 2013
Computer based test dates (India) September 26 – September 30, 2013
Test timings (India) 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Computer based test date (Foreign countries) September 29, 2013
Test timings (Foreign countries) 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Result declaration October 20, 2013
Print out of score cards October 20 – November 20, 2013
Graduates from any discipline or those appearing for their final year graduation exams can appear for CMAT.For foreign nationals, the eligibility criteria will be as per the equivalent standards set by Association of Indian Universities.

Registration & Admission Process:
  • Candidates can register online on
  • They will be offered choice to select a test centre from an option of 3 cities, along with a date from 3 dates on a first come first serve basis and availability of slots in a given city.
  • The test fee for general and OBC candidates appearing from any test centre in India is INR 1200 + applicable bank charges. For SC/ST/PD candidates the test will cost INR 600 + applicable bank charges. For candidates in foreign countries, the fees will be $125 + applicable bank charges.
  • Each state will receive a merit list and candidates will be given admission in respective institutes through central counselling. In a case where the central counselling is not conducted, the CMAT scores will be used as basis to secure admission in AICTE approved institutes.
Read the official notification here.

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