CMAT February 2014 Exam Results Analysis




  • A total of 88,942 candidates had appeared for CMAT February 2014 exam out of more than a lakh students who had registered for the CMAT test.
  • Majority of the Candidates were from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka states in this year’s CMAT exam.
  • AICTE has declared CMAT February exam results on 14th March 2014 at its official website @ 2pm.
  • The first rankholder of CMAT 2014 – Hendre Omkar Pravinchandra from Delhi has a score of 317 out of 400.
  • Fifth rankholder of CMAT 2014 – Mikin Shah who scored 301.
  • Below mentioned are the scores of first 10 rankholders of CMAT 2014:
  1. First rank: 317
  2. Second rank: 303
  3. Third rank: 303
  4. Fourth rank: 302
  5. Fifth rank: 301
  6. Sixth rank: 296
  7. Seventh rank: 296
  8. Eighth rank: 295
  9. Ninth rank: 294
  10. Tenth rank: 290
  • Average score of students – 69.91 %.
  • 438 students scored zero marks and 1,771 students achieved negative marking.
  • Candidates who achieved the first top 19 ranks were Boys.
  • The All India Merit List has declared a total of 88,942 ranks.
  • As per reports, the national merit rank has been calculated based on total score. (4 marks for correct answer, 1 mark subtracted for wrong answer, no changes in marks if answer is left blank).
  • Candidates are advised to take a printout of their scorecard before 13th April 2014. CMAT scores are valid for admissions in B-schools during 2014-15 only.



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