CMAT September 2013 Exam Analysis


Quant medium with 7 different questions

Verbal no critical reasoning but 5 squat Rc sets with 5 ques each.

Logical reasoning 10 puzzles lengthy sections with no emotional quotient but 4 different questions

Gk surprisingly 10 ques on business and economy which is ideal gk for mba aspirants. 15 ques based on current affairs and 3 on history.

No major surprises but small changes. Paper similar to earlier cmat.  If you have taken cetking basic and advance monks.. you will be able to sail through.Time management was the key in this paper.

Quant medium but few tricky questions which are going to decide the cutoff. Arithmetic and modern maths ruled the rooster with few questions on coordinate, set theory and probability. Important areas:

  • Geometry
  • Averages
  • mixtures
  • Permutation combination
  • Calendars and clocks

Verbal Usual suspects.. lengthy, boring and time taking.. paper dominated by squat RCs. Important areas:

  • Squat RC
  • Grammar
  • Vocab fill in blanks

Logic No set question types which dominate the paper except LR. Little bit of everything included.. Important areas:

  • Lengthy puzzles
  • Deductions
  • Series
  • Traditional logic

Gk Loads of indirect questions which student normally ignore.. like instead of asking which country president died question was which of the following country is part of opec.. Answer: che > president of Venezuela > south america > only oil producing opec member in americas. Important areas:

  • Current affairs
  • Static gk
  • Business gk 10 questions


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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook:


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