Co-operatives and Rural Markets Model Question Paper 1


Time: 2 hours

Marks: 60


Q. 1) Explain the credit cooperative structure alongwith 2 examples of primary level agricultural cooperative societies. – 15 marks


Explain briefly the various qualities required by a cooperative leader – 15 marks.

Q.2) Explain the provisions of Right to Information Act, 2005 – 15 marks.


Describe the effect of modernisation, privatisation and globalisation on cooperatives – 15 marks.

Q.3) What is consumer behavior? Explain the buyer characteristics that effect the buying decision. – 15 marks.


Explain in brief Targeting and positioning – 15 marks.

Q. 4) Write short notes on :

a) Traits of salesman in rural marketing – 8 marks

b) E-Choupal


b) Write short notes on:

a) What is grading? Explain various types of grading. – 8 marks

b) Describe the impact of globalisation on Indian market – 7 marks



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