Coke and Pepsi


Different countries accept ads in different ways. Culture of countries plays an important role in legal consideration of advertisements. What is accepted by one countries culture may not be accepted by some other countries culture.  In some places it is illegal to use any comparative terminology; a competitor can sue you if you do so. Whereas it is clearly authorized to use comparative techniques in some places. Pepsi for its campaign “Joy of Pepsi” came up with an ad which showed a kid stepping on coke can in order to reach up to get Pepsi from the vending machine. This ad was a direct case of effective comparative advertising. It was only allowed to be screened in Netherlands and was banned in all the other countries.

On the other hand India too has come up with comparative strategies wherein the competitors brand is left disclosed. The Indian advertising culture does not allow direct comparing of brands of the same product category. So in India the ad message is very subtly brought out.

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