College Chic: How To Look Best For Class – College Fashionista


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After you’ve completed your school you stand on a threshold of a new life with innovative,fresh style tips to make your college life not just fun but really classy! Here are tips on how you can dress up at college:-




1) Start by buying yourself  a trendy pair of jeans. You should have dark wash, light wash, medium colored, black, and grey jeans. There are many types of jeans you could choose, but skinny jeans are fashionable at the moment. Wear short tops over the jeans with decorative pockets at the back. Nothing too uncomfortable though.


2) Try and buy new blouses whenever you have some spare money. A new blouse will make you feel great and stay in trend. Try and vary the shirts you buy. For example if you bought purple glitter shirt this week, buy a cute green blouse next week


3) Skirts: Short skirts are always in and they should go to a little above your mid thigh. You can also wear something that kind of balloons it’s shape as it goes down. If the skirt has to stick to your knees, please tuck in your shirt with wide belts. Jean skirts, corduroy skirts, skirts with laces, are necessary. Colorful leggings are also cute but if your outfit is really colorful try to stick to brown, black or grey. You don’t want to overdo it .

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4) Shorts: If you wear shorts at the knees make sure they are jean. Never wear baggy shorts. Don’t wear shorts that have pockets at the knee. You can also wear short- shorts which are very cute.


5) Accessories: Earrings are fine. They can really bring up the quality of an outfit, and could help you feel better for the rest of the day. Dangly, though not too big earrings are great for everyday. Hoops are okay too. Tiny earrings are very stylish if you wear your hair up.


6) Makeup: Always carry a lip gloss tube with you.  If your skin is pale, go for light pink lips. If your skin is tanned, I recommend you wear dark pink shades. Orange lips, beige lips could be arranged depending on the whole outfit. You may also use lipsticks. A nude or light pink color lipstick works fabulous . Mascara is totally okay for everyday too, unless you have a particularly sweaty class. Apply eyeliner in dark colors only. Such as: black, brown and navy. Blush is great in shades of pink or rose. You could also use BB creams they are basically tinted moisturizers.


7) Hair: Now this is the part where it becomes hard to decide, because it really varies from outfit to outfit. Only wash your hair 2-3 times a week. Wearing your hair down requires a lot of combing, if you have a straight hair. If you have curly hair, only comb it when its wet. You don’t know when wind will mess with your hair, so hair spray is good too, to hold your hair in place. Cute hair pins are fine. Hair bands should be noticeable, if your whole outfit is plain. It adds a touch of sophistication to the whole look. Wear hair scarves they are in style now especially if you are a fashion person you would know and also if you area vintage sort of person. High ponytails, side ponytails, buns, chignons, braids, and messy up-dos are totally okay.


8) Shoes: Flats with gold or silver linings are stylish if added with black leggings, but if not, it’s fine too. Converse are cool so you can wear them. High-top shoes with colorful design is definitely refreshing if matched with plain look, or dark jeans.


9) Bags: Before considering the fashion, be sure that your ‘stylish’ bag could contain all of your college supplies. Remember that jeans and backpacks with neon colors match, flair skirt with checkered backpack or clutches match, and big bags match for everything. So you should probably think about buying a bunch of cute bags in different styles and rotate them from day to day.


10) It is confidence which speaks louder then anything else so you know where the catch is!






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Riya Lokhande


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