College Life- Want To Live It, Again


college life

Does anyone ever remember the lectures they sat for or about the attended seminars, when asked about the best memories of our lives? I guess not! You know one can never ever describe the best moments of the college life to anyone, cause it was you who felt the moment, it was you who knew what it felt like if someone you had a crush on was absent on that day or pointing out to your friend when you were caught talking by your faculty and giggling. It’s truly said that “you don’t know the worth of something till its gone” because its now, in the last few months of my college life, that I realise its worth and the whole lot of memories I have made. I have hardly 2 months left to make some unforgettable memories because no matter how much you promise your friends about meeting up even after graduation, you know it somewhere in the back of your mind, it’s not that easy.

Everyone makes new friends, but one person gets so close to you, that either they end up as your soul mate forever or the best person of your life. A bunch of crazy people come together and become a part of your life, affecting it in the most beautiful way. You love them no matter how stupid or crazily they behave! They can make you laugh with tears rolling down your cheek and take every effort to make sure that your leg is pulled at equal intervals. They have seen you cry for the first time in college and they have even seen you punch some faces too. They have been to the principal’s office in and out because of you or maybe you visited the office because of their mischief. Oh! Remember the first time you bunked lectures or locked someone in the washroom? I am sure you must have atleast once replaced the roll no. on your friend’s project with yours, didn’t you? But who said you only make friends because your college life won’t be happening and dramatic without enemies or should I say frenemies? Walking with your group in front of them as if you own the damn college or competing with them in every single thing, that was something!
End of college life is like, end of the most awesome phase of your life and entering into the real world where no one cares if you exist or not unless he is your employer and waiting to fire you. No time for fun, bunking your office, going for trips so frequently, enjoying the canteen food with friends putting spoons in one plate for a single bite.


People say they would give anything to bring back their childhood but I say I would give anything to live these memories again.

Which are your favourite memories? Share them in the comments!

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Saloni Tolia


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