College Youth will take to the Streets to Thank the Mumbai Traffic Police


Nearly 500 students from colleges across Mumbai have decided to begin their week on a thanksgiving note. This Monday morning, the youth shall take to the streets of Mumbai, to felicitate the 2905 Constables and senior officers of the Traffic Police Department, for their timeless efforts towards rendering order, safety and comfort to the residents, on a consistent basis. The initiative forms an integral part of a long-term project undertaken by the Forum for Learning and Youth Empowerment (FLY), a Mumbai based charitable youth organization, in association with the Mumbai Traffic Police.

With the festive season soon approaching, the student members of FLY consider it their responsibility to acknowledge and appreciate the indomitable dedication and sacrifice demonstrated by the traffic cops that enables Mumbaikars to celebrate festivals in their true spirit, with a sense of security and convenience. Hence, these young reformers shall be visiting all the 25 zonal traffic offices (Chowkis) across the city to personally hand over Thank You Cards to each of the 2905 traffic constables and officers posted at various signals, as an expression of their heartfelt gratitude towards the commendable service portrayed by them on a consistent basis.

In order to endure that every constable is individually felicitated, the students have been divided into 50 small groups. The first 25 groups would be making it to the traffic Chowkis during the morning, from 7 am to 9 am, and the other 25 groups during the afternoon, from 2 pm to 3 pm, with one Chowkey being delegated per team. Such allocation would make sure that the constables reporting on duty across all shifts are reached. The students shall also manifest their commitment towards extending every possible assistance to the Mumbai Traffic Police at enforcing ‘Zero Violation’ of traffic regulations, in the form of a pledge that would be displayed at all the Chowkis.

The said project, initiated by FLY, has been sponsored by MT Educare Ltd., a publically listed company and a prominent player in the education space. Apart from assuring its unconditional support to this novel initiative, MT Educare has also decided to incorporate road safety measures into the curriculum for its MT-UVA program, which has been contributing towards the holistic development of over 5000 students from all over Mumbai.



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