Common Mistakes to Avoid During iPhone App Development


Recently, Apple products have gained tremendous popularity, especially the iPhones which has lead to the success of iPhone Apps Development contributing to progress of mobile technology. Apple’s huge fan following encourages the iPhone App developers to make exceptional and high quality apps for all their clients. Expectations and requirements from iPhone apps are superlative and hence many budding iPhone App developers get stressed while developing the app making silly mistakes.


Keep the following things in mind to avoid common mistakes while iPhone Apps Development:

  • Do not develop complicated apps that are complex for users to understand. Developers fail to think from point of view of the user and focus on iPhone programming that leads to perplexed iPhone Apps Development. Avoid this and include only required things for the app.
  • Many a times, developers try to develop apps from the scratch. This is time consuming. There is no sense in generating UI from scratch. Instead using iPhone SDK will be more feasible since it comes with entire set of sidebars, dialogs, and built-in apps.
  • Before incorporating huge size videos and images, consider the resolution of the screen. Failing to do so will affect the overall performance of the app making it less optimized.
  • Apple iPhones are sophisticatedly characterized. The UI is very spectacular and contains many features like retina display, HD graphics, etc. Always strive to include such features while developing iPhone apps to make it look ravishing.
  • Animation escalates the app’s creativity and makes it more attractive. But overusing the animation will increase the size of the app as well as decrease the speed of using the application thereby reducing the overall performance of the app. Carefully make the choice of animations for iPhone Apps Development.
  • Another mistake while developing apps for iPhone is absence of dealloc method that causes problems to manage the memory of the phone. Strive to include this method to refrain from memory issues.

The iPhone Apps Development uses Object-C programming language and comprises of multiple extensions like messages, interfaces, dynamic typing, etc. Many features offered by iOS platform make the developers opt for developing apps on this mobile platform. However, it becomes very necessary to avoid any mistake, severe or trivial in designing or developing iPhone apps to deliver the best iOS apps to the potential clients.



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Tanvi Shah


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