Comparative Study Of Line Organization, Functional Organisation And Line And Staff Organsiation

  1. Line organisation is a simple form of organisation. But functional organisation and line and staff organisation are complicated.
  2. In the case of the line organisation, there is clear-cut line of authority .m the case of functional organisation, there is no clear-cut line of authority .In the case of line and staff organisation, there is clear-cut division of authority for the line officers, but staff officers do not have any authority.
  3. In the case of line organisation, there is clear-cut responsibility .In the case of functional organisation and line and staff organisation, there is clear-cut responsibility for the line officers, but staff officers do not have any responsibility.
  4. Because of clear-cut line authority, there is unity of command in the case of line organisation. There is no unity of command in the case of functional organisation, as a worker has to take instructions from several authorities. There is unity of command in the case of line and staff organisation because of the existence of the line officers.
  5. In the case of line organisation, there is flexibility in the sense that quick decisions and prompt actions can be taken to adjust to changing situations because of the existence of full authority. Functional organisation is rigid and inflexible. In the case of line and staff organisation, flexibility is difficult.
  6. Strict discipline is enforced in the case of line organisation. In the case of functional organisation, enforcement of discipline is difficult because of lack of unity of command. In the case of line and staff organisation, there is discipline enforced by line officers.
  7. In the case of line organisation, there can be prompt and quick decisions. In the case of functional organisation, there cannot be quick decisions. In the case’ of line and staff organisation, there can be better decisions by the line officers with the help of staff advice.
  8. There is no specialisation in the case of line organisation. There is maximum specialisation in the case of functional organisation. There is certain amount of specialisation in the case of line and staff organisational because of the presence of staff officers.
  9. In the case of line organisation, there is heavy work load on the executive or managers. There is less work load in the case of functional organisation. The work load is not heavy in the case of line and staff organisation.
  10. There is a good communication system in the case of line organisation. There is overlapping of communication in the case of functional organisation. There is a good communication system in the case of line and staff organisation.
  11. In the case of line organisation, there can be better co-ordination within the department, but inter- department co-ordination becomes difficult. In the case of functional organisation, there is lack of effective co-ordination because of extreme specialisation. In the case of line and staff organisation, there can be co-ordination through staff officers.
  12. Efficiency is lacking in the case of line organisation, as one executive is entrusted with many activities in which he is not efficient. In the case of functional organisation, there is greater efficiency, as each executive is entrusted with limited duties. There is maximum efficiency in the case of line and staff organisation because of the clear-cut duties of the line officers and the availability of expert advice from the staff officers.
  13. Line organisation is suitable for small enterprises, trading as well as industrial. Functional organisation is suitable for large industrial enterprises. Line and staff organisation is suitable for medium- sized industrial enterprises.

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