Complete List of 200 Marks TYBMS Project Topics in Managerial Economics


Complete List of 200 Marks TYBMS Project Topics in Managerial Economics

Any student who is currently in TYBMS and has a keen interest to undertake a project in economics subject then your search ends here.

If you want to pursue your masters or post-graduation in economics or you want to make a career in economics field then honestly selecting a project topic in economic is the ideal choice for you because through this project work of 200 marks in TYBMS, you are going to gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge in economics.

Here we present Complete List of 200 Marks TYBMS Project Topics in Managerial Economics:

1) Tourism and Current Account Position in India

2) Effects of Privatization on non-performing bank loans

3) Taxes and Economic Growth of India

4) Determinants of Coffee and Tea Production in India

5) The Private Returns to Education in India

6) Effect of Internal Factors on the Profitability of Commercial Banks

7) Role of Informal Groups in Enhancing Access to Financial services

8) International Economics and Macroeconomics of Open economies

9) Business cycles, recession and financial crises

10) Employment, Unemployment and Natural rate of Unemployment

11) Real Indian Economy in the Long Run

12) Measuring country’s income and growth

13) Evaluation of the effect of interest rates on credit

14) Determinants of mobile banking revenues : a case study

15) Demand elasticity’s of mobile telecommunication services

16) Determinants of Cost efficiency level of commercial banks

17) Effect of growth of informal sector on tax revenue performance

18) Impact of public health expenditure on economic growth

19) Disposable income on marginalization

20) Impact of microfinance in poverty reduction

21) Impact of gender on primary education performance

22) Public debt and economic growth

23) Link between economic growth and environmental degradation

24) Contribution of domestic tourism to economic growth

25) Challenges faced by SMEs in accessing finance from commercial banks

26) Role of credit on growth of manufacturing sector

27) Impact of technology innovations on bank revenues

28) Determinants of stock markets performance : a case study

29) Determinants of domestic private investments

30) Exchange rate exposure of stock markets

31) Factors affecting poverty levels :  a case study

32) Determinants of inflation

33) Determinants of export earnings

34) Current account balance and economic growth

35) Perceived effects of electronic banking on customer satisfaction

36) Socio-cultural values and empowerment of women

37) Relationship between Inflation and Stock prices

38) Impact of development on the growth of horticulture industry

39) Impact of urbanization on the tourism sector of Indian economy

40) Need for Medical Insurance cover for health care services : a case study

41) Petroleum demand analysis

42) Effects of Youth unemployment on economic growth

43) Rising demand for LPG in India

44) Credit constraints and productive entrepreneurship

45) Effect of crime on economic growth

46) Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment

47) Poverty, Employment and Education in India

48) Impact of Foreign Aid on Health sector

49) Impact of fiscal policies on economic growth

50) Effects of water scarcity on economic growth


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