Complete List of Courses After 10th Class / SSC


courses after ssc

Are you confused which career options to opt after passing the Maharashtra Board SSC / Class 10 Exams? Here we present the complete list of courses you can opt for after completing Class 10th or SSC exams:

  1. Diploma in Modeling
  2. Diploma in Interior designing and Decoration
  3. Diploma in Secretarial Practice
  4. Diploma in Applied Arts
  5. Diploma in Fashion Designing
  6. Diploma in Visual Merchandising
  7. Diploma in Fashion Business/ Management
  8. Diploma in Photography
  9. Diploma in Jewelry Design
  10. H. S.C. / 12th Commerce
  11. H. S.C. / 12th Science
  12. H. S.C. / 12th Arts
  13. H. S.C./12th Home Science
  14. Diploma in Dramatics
  15. Diploma in Stenography
  16. Diploma in Beauty Culture
  17. Diploma in Music
  18. Diploma in Dance
  19. Diploma in Accountancy
  20. Diploma in Social service
  21. Diploma in Electronics Engineering
  22. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  23. Diploma in Electrical Engineering
  24. Diploma in Computer Engineering
  25. Diploma in Automobile Engineering
  26. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
  27. Diploma in Architectural Assistantship
  28. Diploma in Chemical Engineering
  29. Diploma in Civil Engineering
  30. Diploma in Garment Technology
  31. Diploma in Information Technology
  32. Diploma in Instrumentation Technology
  33. Diploma in Leather Technology
  34. Diploma in Footwear Technology
  35. Diploma in Library and Information Sciences
  36. Diploma in Plastic Technology
  37. Diploma in Textile Design
  38. Diploma in Textile Technology
  39. Certificate course in tool and die making
  40. Certificate course in fisheries
  41. Certificate course in tool and die making
  42. Certificate course in printing technology
  43. Certificate course in leather technology
  44. Certificate course in forest ranger
  45. Certificate course in poultry
  46. Certificate course in diary management
  47. Certificate course in animal husbandry
  48. Diploma in general nursing
  49. Certificate course in entrepreneurship techniques
  50. Certificate course in supervision
  51. Certificate course in applied statistics
  52. Certificate course in Fire and Safety
  53. Certificate course in Cyber laws
  54. Certificate course in Ophthalmic technology
  55. MS-CIT Course
  56. Medical Laboratory Technician Course
  57. Government / Clerical Grade / Bank / Insurance / Railway Exam
  58. Diploma in Art Teaching
  59. Army / Navy / Airforce / Police Department Exam
  60. L.I.C. Agent
  61. Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering
  62. Diploma in Hotel Management
  63. Diploma in Travel and Tourism
  64. Diploma in Pharmacy
  65. Diploma in Wine Studies
  66. Diploma in Agriculture

Choose a career option after 10th based on your own priorities, focus on your interests and research deeply every career option available.

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