Complete List Of Top 50 Most Beloved & Popular CEOs of America 2015


The online jobs forum and careers website ‘Glassdoor’ recently released the list of top 50 CEOs based on the feedback of thousands of U.S. employees. It is the third annual Employees’ Choice Awards for the Highest Rated CEOs. The survey was conducted from 21st April 2014 to 22nd April 2015 in which the employees voluntarily and anonymously provided feedback of their company CEOs.


Here is the Complete List Of Top 50 Most Beloved & Popular CEOs of America 2015:

Larry Page

1) Larry Page

Company – Google

Notable Quote – Many leaders of big organizations, I think, don’t believe that change is possible. But if you look at history, things do change, and if your business is static, you’re likely to have issues.

Mark G. Parker

2) Mark G. Parker

Company – Nike

Notable Quote – “The best way to stay cool is to not try to be cool. The consumer can smell a company trying to be cool a million miles away.”

Charles C. Butt

3) Charles C. Butt

Company – HEB

Mark Zuckerberg

4) Mark Zuckerberg

Company – Facebook

Notable Quote – “My goal was never to just create a company. A lot of people misinterpret that, as if I don’t care about revenue or profit or any of those things. But what not being ‘just’ a company means to me is building something that actually makes a really big change in the world.”

Scott Scherr

5) Scott Scherr

Company – Ultimate Software

Hugh Grant

6) Hugh Grant

Company – Monsanto

Notable Quote – For any new technology there is always controversy and there always some fear associated with it. I think that’s just the price of being first sometimes.

Lloyd C. Blankfein

7) Lloyd C. Blankfein

Company – Goldman Sachs

Notable Quote – ‘Risk management isn’t about getting risk right all the time. It’s about trying to get risk right all the time’:

John E. Schlifske

8) John E. Schlifske

Company – Northwest Mutual

Insight Global

9) Glenn Johnson

Company – Insight Global

Tim Cook

10) Tim Cook

Company – Apple

Notable Quote –Too often people think about intuition as the same as relying on luck or faith. At least as I see it, nothing could be further from the truth. Intuition can tell you, of the doors that are open to you, which one you should walk through. But intuition cannot prepare you for what’s on the other side of that door.

Dara Khosrowshahi

11) Dara Khosrowshahi

Company – Expedia

Notable Quote – “The hardest thing for us is to build is lasting consumer loyalty. The average consumer shops at three sites; we want to be two of those three sites.”

Jeff Weiner

12) Jeff Weiner

Company – Linkedin

Notable Quote – “Treat employees “like adults” and be completely transparent. It provides optics into what’s working around the company and what’s not. It also breeds a sense of trust within the company, so employees are far less likely to leak sensitive information.”

Craig Jelinek

13) Craig Jelinek

Company – Costco


14) John Legere

Company – T Mobile

John Legere

15) Jim Weddle

Company – Edward Jones

Notable Quote – If you’re recruiting better people who have been more successful in the past, you have to be willing to pay them.

Jim Weddle

16) John S. Watson

Company – Chevron

Notable Quote – If you look around the world, the countries with the best environmental practices are the wealthiest. There’s a reason for that. If you’re worried about where your next meal is going to come from or shelter over your head, your focus is on those things.

John S. Watson

17) Calvin McDonald

Company – Sephora

Calvin McDonald

18) Mark Weinberger

Company – EY

Mark Weinberger

19) A. G. Lafley

Company – P&G

Notable Quote – “If the leader doesn’t set the standards, it won’t happen. Employees watch every move you make and don’t make. If you don’t truly live the values and standards, you won’t have them!”

A. G. Lafley

20) Lyndon Rive

Company – SolarCity

Lyndon Rive

21) Marc Benioff

Company – Salesforce

Notable Quote – “I believe a balanced life is essential, and I try to make sure that all of our employees know that and live that way. It’s crucial to me as a manager that I help ensure that our employees are as successful as our customers and partners…  employees today expect more from the companies for whom they work. Why shouldn’t your workplace reflect your values? Why is ‘giving back’ not a part of our jobs? The answer for us is to integrate philanthropy with work.”

Marc Benioff

22) Jeremy Stoppelman

Company – Yelp

Notable Quote – The more you put yourself out there and try, the more likely you are to succeed.

Jeremy Stoppelman

23) Martin Mucci

Company – Paychex

Martin Mucci

24) Omar S. Ishrak

Company – Medtronic

Omar S. Ishrak

25) Corey Schiller

Company – Power

Corey Schiller

26) Mickey Drexler

Company – J. Crew

Notable Quote – “I think the key to success is vision that adjusts on the way, but doesn’t at all falter. It’s about not compromising and following your gut to a certain degree, based on knowledge, instinct, etc. And not listing to the naysayers…. You develop strength through adversity. You have to keep moving towards your goal through huge obstacles. It’s not easy. Especially a business like this where there are so many moving parts. You have to build a good team and know who’s good and not good and you have to keep raising the bar on your life. For me it’s always, ‘I have to get up and do a little better today and go to work to learn.”

Mickey Drexler

27) Alex Gorsky

Company – Johnson & Johnson

Alex Gorsky

28) Danny Wegman

Company – Wegmans

Danny Wegman

29) Blake W. Nordstrom

Company – Nordstrom

Blake W. Nordstrom

30) Fred Smith

Company – FedEx

Notable Quote – “Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge themselves—and by which they are willing to be judged.”

Fred Smith


31) Howard D. Schultz

Company – Starbucks

Starbucks CEO

32) John B. Veihmeyer

Company – KPMG

John B. Veihmeyer

33) Frank D’souza

Company – Cognizant

Frank D'souza

34) Thomas E. Richards

Company – CDW

Thomas E. Richards

35) Dr. Vishal Sikka

Company – Infosys

Dr. Vishal Sikka

36) Brad Smith

Company – Intuit

Notable Quote – I’m a flawed person who makes a lot of mistakes. But I will tell you that once I make a mistake, I will never make it again.

Brad Smith

37) Bob Iger

Company – The Walt Disney Company

Notable Quote – “It’s in our best interest to put some of the old rules aside and create new ones and follow the consumer – what the consumer wants and where the consumer wants to go.”

Michelle Obama And Disney CEO Robert Iger Hold News Conference On Disney's Nutritional Guidelines


38) William McNabb

Company – Vanguard

William McNabb

39) Brian M. Krzanich

Company – Intel

Brian M. Krzanich

40) Joseph A. Tarantino

 Company – Protiviti

Joseph A. Tarantino

41) Tom Linebarger

Company – Cummins

Tom Linebarger

42) Kenneth Oaks

Company – Total Quality Logistics

Kenneth Oaks

43) Kevin A. Lobo

Company – Stryker

Notable Quote – We need to be market leaders in the areas that we choose to play in, we’ll look at deals of all different sizes … to strengthen our position.

Kevin A. Lobo

44) Bill Emerson

Company – Quicken Loans

Bill Emerson

45) Brad Jackson

Company – Slalom

Brad Jackson with Director RJ McHatton

46) Christopher M. Connor

Company – Sherwin-Williams

Christopher M. Connor

47) Shantanu Narayen

Company – Adobe

Shantanu Narayen

48) Brian Chesky

Company – Airbnb

Notable Quote – “Think about it this way- if your company is like your child — a parent wants his child to outlive him or her.”

Brian Chesky

49) Richard H. Anderson

Company – Delta

Richard H. Anderson

50) Arne Sorenson

Company – Marriot

Notable Quote – “Hospitality is by definition a diverse industry.”

Arne Sorenson


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