Computer Applications in Business Syllabus and Reference Books





UBMSFSII.6 : Computer Applications in Business


[50 lectures: 3 Credit]


The objective of the course is,

  1. To introduce computer applications in Business environment.
  2. To introduce DBMS & Web Designing concepts.
  3. To familiarize students with the concepts & developments in MIS & E-commerce.


      TOPICS No. of
Unit DBMS using MS-access 13
1   1. Database basics ,  
    2. Working with database,  
    3. Creating database tables,  
    4. Entering data in a table,  
    5. Sorting records,  
    6. Quering in a database,  
    7. Generating reports  
    8. Common corporate Database management systems  
Unit Web Designing Using HTML 13
2 1. Evolution of HTML  
  2. Concept of Hyper Text, Tags  
  3. Structure of an HTML file  
  4. Basic Tags <head>, <title>, <body>, <h1> to <h6>, <p>, <b>  
  5. Formatting text – logical and Physical tags  
  6. Style sheets  
  7. Creating Lists and Tables  
  8. Adding graphics with and without text, alignment  
  9. Creating links internal and External, mail links  
  1. Creating Frames
  1. Creating Forms
  1. Introduction to softwares like Front Page, Dream Weaver to Create
Unit E-Commerce 12
3   1. Definition ,Difference between E-commerce and E-business  
    2. E-commerce infrastructure,  
    3. Features of E-commerce (Advertising)  
    4. Types of E-commerce (B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P)  
    5. Business Models in E-Commerce (Revenue, Advertising  
      Subscription, Transaction Fee, Sales Revenue, Affiliate Revenue)  
    6. Major B2c models (Portal, E tailer, Content Provider Transaction  
      Broker, Market Creator, Service provider, Community provider).  
    7. E-commerce Security: Integrity, Non Repudiation, Authenticity,  
      Confidentiality, privacy, Availability.  


  8. Encryption: Definition, Symmetric Key Encryption, DES (Data  
    Encryption Standard, PKI (Public Key infrastructure) Signatures.  
    Digital signatures. SSL.  
  9. Payment Systems: Digital Cash, Online stored value digital  
    accumulating balance payment, Digital credit accounts, digital  
  10. How an Online credit card transaction works SET protocol  
  11. Limitation of E-commerce.  
Unit MIS   12
4 MIS- definition, nature & scope  
  MIS characteristics, functions  
  Structure of MIS, role of MIS  
  MIS as a control system, process of management  
  Application of MIS  
  Implementation & evaluation of MIS  
  ERP -What is ERP? What are its advantages?  
  ERP benefits  




  1. Introduction to Computers Peter Norton ,,Sixth Edition McGrawHill
  2. Computer Fundamentals – P.K Sinha ( B.P.B publication )
  3. Fundamentals of Computer – V.Rajaramanna ( Prentice Hall )
  4. Computers and Commonsense Hunt, J. Shelley ,Prentice Hall of India
  5. Fundamentals of Information Technology, A and Leon M,Leon,Vikas 2002
  6. A first Course in Computers, Saxena, Sanjay, Vikas Publishing 1998
  7. Fundamentals of Information Technology, Bharioke, Deepak Excel Book, 2000
  1. Learning Web Design A Beginners Guide HTML, Graphics and Beyond Jennifer Niederst O Reilly Press
  1. ECommerce Kenneth C Laudon, Carol Traver Pearson Education
  2. ECommerce Awad Pearson Hall India
  3. HTML Black Book Steven Holzner Dream Tech Press
  4. Managing with Information Jerome Kanter Prentice Hall India
  5. ERPA Managerial Perspective Sadagopan Tata Mcgraw Hill
  6. Computer in Business – Sanders D – McGraw Hill
  7. Computers and Information Management – S C Bhatnagar & V Ramant – Prentice Hall
  8. Internet for Business – Brummer, Lavrej – Cambridge


Suggested List of Practicals:


  1. To demonstrate use of formatting tags, adding images.
  2. Working with ordered & unordered list.
  3. Working with tables.
  4. To demonstrate use of hyper Links.
  5. To design webpages using frames.
  6. To design web forms.
  7. Creating database & tables, entering data in a table, sorting records.
  8. Querying in a database.
  9. To create screen/form layout.
  10. Generating reports.

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