Conclusions and Recommendations in BMS Project Reports


Conclusions and Recommendations in BMS Project Reports

Conclusions are to be drawn with reference to the previously stated objectives of the project.

This should highlight the major results.

Recommendations are often more important than conclusions.

It is known to us how to do better only after we finish a project, i.e. after we obtain an appropriate experience.

Particularly, students’ experiments are hampered due to lack of experience, time, methods and equipment as well as insufficient attention to accuracy and details.

Recommendations should be given for any further changes or work that would better accomplish the project objectives, or can extend them.

Note: It is very important to draw the figures and prepare the tables yourself.  If any figure or table or data or result or opinion is not yours, cite relevant reference.  If you do not cite reference in such cases, you will be regarded to have plagiarized/stolen the material.  This could lead to punitive action.

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