Confessions of a BMS Student – Falak Khan, Bhavan’s College






NAME : Falak Khan

COLLEGE : Bhavan’s College, Andheri west

Q.1  Tell us about yourself 

Like my name suggests (Falak, which means the sky) I am moody, sweet, shy, stubborn and a daydreamer. My achievements are mostly athletic ones, the biggest being representing Maharashtra during my school days. My interests lies in learning something new every day in life, I also like to teach kids soft skills, travel, read fiction novels etc. I am hopeless at art and math, however I appreciate those who are good at both.

Q.2  Tell us about your college 

Other than the fact that Bhavan’s college has one of the biggest and greenest campuses in the city, for me it is a place where a mélange of people come together to learn and socialize with each other. The vibe of this college is electric, it’s numerous cultural fests and days are something that you would want every college to have. If you talk about the BMS Department specifically, you will see that the bond between the faculty and the students is more of a friendly relationship. What I meant when I say this is that, since we are a group of 120 students, our teachers know us inside out, we can talk to our teachers about our careers and we will be sure that they will be able to guide us in the exact direction we want to head in. By the end of our 3 year journey, we get so attached to every teacher that comes to make us learn something new that is hard to pin point on who is your favorite and who is not.

When I first stepped in to Degree College I knew I had to overcome my stage fright which was to such an extent that I could not speak in front of a batch of 10 girls for my board speaking skills test. To overcome that fear during my course and to become one of the best speakers of my division has been the happiest moments in BMS. The saddest is yet to come when I pass out.

Q.3  When did you join BMS? Which year you are in? What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

2012. I am currently in my final year. The inspiration was nothing but the fact that it is a very flexible degree; it allows me to pick a job right from managing a manufacturing unit to doing marketing.

Q.   3  Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

  • Is the degree worth the time, effort and money spent?
  • Does your job do justice to your degree?
  • How is an MBA degree in which you learn about most of the things under the sun better than a diploma in something that you want to do? And the latter taking up less time for you to pursue other interests.

Q.4  What are your future plans? 

I would like to pursue studying a few new languages, learn how to play an instrument, travel a lot. I would preferably like to work for a company that lets me travel for work.

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Bushra Shaikh

Food and Baking Enthusiast, An avid follower of the 80's music, fictional novels and The Hunger Games.


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