Congratulations To the Best Intern This Week.. Manal Petkar!



Congratulations to Manal Petkar, the best intern this week! BMS team is proud of you for maintaining your punctuality, active participation and team spirit along with attaining good page views and media shares to good quality articles!

1.       How does it feel to be the best intern this week?

It was Unexpected!!! It feels amazing when my work is recognized as an intern.

Thank You BMS Team for all your guidance support. Without you it wouldn’t have been possible to be the best intern of the week.

2.       What are your weak points?

I’m sure that I’m not perfect, but I can things learn quickly. I think one area I could work on is my delegation skills.

3.       What are your strengths?

I am a positive thinker and believe in hard work and dedication towards my job.

4.       How has the internship changed you?

Yes, it has changed me quite a bit so far. I improved my writing skills. I became more punctual, as we need to finish our work on time. I would also mention I started finishing my work before time. Writing articles on different topics increased my knowledge. I learned many things from my fellow colleagues as well and got fabulous support from the team.

5.       What are your further expectations from this internship?

It’s fun writing for readers now, I totally enjoy it and hope I keep my good work intact in future. I wish and hope this internship discovers the hidden abilities of mine.

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