Congratulations Vatsal Doshi – Top Performer of The BMS Content Team!

keep calm and love the bms team started it’s Content Writing Internship Programme mid May and since then we have dealt with a lot of young and enthusiastic writers. Some gave us memories, some nightmares and some simply stuck it out and fought hard and became a part of our team in a way we truly appreciate. Starting this week, we have the Performer of the week segment, where we get you up, close and personal with the intern who made the maximum efforts.
Evaluation was made on the following parameters: 1. Quality of work, 2. Punctuality, 3. Dedication and 4. Active Participation and the winner for the week: 21st – 25th July is Vatsal Doshi!
Hearty congratulations to him and here are a few excerpts from our interaction with him:
1. What are you doing currently?
Currently, I’m an FYBMS student studying in SIES College of Commerce and Economics.
2. Why did you take up this internship?
As I have experienced how beneficial an INTERNSHIP is, I thought of pursuing a second internship in a completely unknown field-Content Writing. I always wondered how blogs and articles are articulated as they appeared so interesting to me while reading. I,too, wanted to learn how to blog and write articles in a way that attracts as many readers as possible.
3. How have you benefited through this internship?
I have been benefited through this internship in many ways. I feel my writing skills are improving and there is  also room for lot of improvement as well my vocabulary  is enhanced.
4. How does it feel to be the top performer of the week?
It feels astounding to be a top performer of the week. I never felt that I could be a top performer of a week in just 2 weeks of my internship. I was really surprised by receiving your email with ‘Congratulations’ on being the top performer of this Week” at the top. It has really motivated me.
You Can Read His Articles Here:

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