Content Writing Program Details


content writer

When we talk about making a career in the field of writing, it is either connected with becoming a journalist or an author. A journalist is a vague term for writing and there is a very strong affiliation of the work profile with collecting and distribution of news and information. An author on the author hand is some one who writes books or novels. These are the stereotypes created by society and rarely are people aware of the reality.

If you have a flair for words, good command over the English language and can express your thoughts well then you can take up writing as a profession and this profession has nothing to do with covering breaking news or writing romantic stories. If you can fulfill the above criteria you can become a content creator.

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A content creator very simply is someone who creates content, so you can describe the products in a catalog, you can write research papers, you can write scripts, screen plays, give out factual information for a text book or reference guide book.

You can write articles relating to a particular field of specialization for websites or magazines. You can provide the write up’s for speech’s, seminar’s, event anchor’s or simply write experience related blogs and fill the world wide web with your thoughts.

The point I am trying to make here is that writing has diverse opportunities and we need not segment as per stereotypes. A writer or content creator will never go out of work because people are never going to say we don’t need YOU!

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Even with the television taking over major entertainment and news segments, there is always a writer who is needed to write down who will say what and when. With new technological inventions coming up, here will always be a need for people who can explain what it is and how will it work and even when people market their entire business via Facebook, they will need someone who makes those status messages and describe the product won’t they?

Now that it has been well established that writing contrary to popular myths isn’t the romanticized and dreamy profession and is here for the long run, for those who have a flair in the field and wish to plan a career in the same it is obviously advisable to be in touch with time and have updated knowledge about the digital platforms for writers as this is what the industry wants.


So what does the industry today want? they want bloggers and content creators who can engage effortlessly with online audiences. Who know, not only what appeals to this audience but ensure that the message reaches to this audience using the various social and digital platforms.

Even if you can write well, the online industry needs only those who understand the dynamics of this world. Let me explain, when you write for a newspaper, they have a fixed circulation and one bad article is not going to make subscribers cancel their daily dose of Bombay Times or HT Cafe immediately. They have a well defined audience base, it has been so since a long time and will continue even if one bad article comes up. 


On the web, every second a new website will publish a new  article, a blog or a piece of information and the reader has so much of variety, choice plus an overdose of content slammed in his face every minute that unless you make your presence felt you can’t last.

Which is why even though there are innumerable job prospects, unless you are specifically skilled you stand a very meager chance of making a place in this industry.

New skills concept.

We at respect writers as we know the kind of effort and precision is required to become one, which is why we have the Content Writing Internship which specifically train you to mold your skills to suit this generation; whose interest doesn’t last beyond 1 minute on a particular link they clicked, a generation who will trust more on the number of Facebook shares you have as compared to the name of the website backing you.

We teach you to create articles that suite this digital audience, make a place for yourself and ensure that you have a bank of bylines and social media knowledge to help you sustain and prosper in this filed and take advantage of all the opportunities that will come your way in this industry that is inexhaustible.


Content Writing Program Details:

 Period: 3 months – 6 months or more

Work and learn from home system.

Certificate based program i.e. you will be provided a certificate of your significant contribution you have made to the site when you decide to end the association with the site.

Word length: 500-600 words.

Unpaid Internship

writing skill

What Will You Learn:

1. Writing articles suitable to the web media.

2. Editing and Formatting.

3. How to write what people want to read.

4. Key words and grabbing eyeballs.

5. Community Backed Content.

6. Emotion Triggering Content.

7. Creating Share worthy Content

8. Social Media and Leveraging it to my advantage.



1. Youth 2. Society
– Youth Problems – Politics
– Relationships – World Affairs
  – Sports
3.  Entertainment – Travel
– Bollywood – Social Causes
-Music 4. Technology
  – Gadgets
  – Automobiles
  • Get a log-in Id to be able to post on the website.
  • Work on a daily/ weekly basis and complete your target number of articles.
  • Update your work links to your team leader daily.
  • Get a feedback every weekend regarding your work. 
  • Learn to utilize social media to achieve page views for your work.

How Will You Learn:

Using various informative web tutorials and links plus when you practically put it into practice while writing those articles.

How Do I Benefit?

The training makes you industry ready and the work experience makes you ready to face the professional world of targets, deadlines, team work and team management.

At the end of the programme you have with you a collection of ‘n’ number of article bylines to show as work experience plus the very valuable  certificate that adds immense value to your resume.

Who Can Apply:

Individuals who are hard working, enthusiastic, highly committed to their passion for writing.

Other essential requirements for eligibility is having a good internet connection and a string command over the English language.

 How To Apply:

Send in your updated resume to [email protected]

About is the No.1 BMS Web Portal in India. We are a young team of highly committed and enthusiastic BMS graduates who by the means of aim to bring in a positive change in the life the BMS fraternity.

Started 4 years ago, today is among the top 10,000 websites in India and has a Google Page 3 ranking. We have touched the lives of BMSites by posting BMS Notes, provide guidance for projects, assignments and presentations, putting up Coordinator, faculty, student as well as entrepreneur interviews.

Always acting in the interest of BMSites, we launched the super successful appeal against the FM paper fiasco, last academic year:

This year too we have taken center stage and floated the appeal against the highly controversial 75:25 evaluation rule by the University of Mumbai:

We also have regular updates of interesting and intriguing articles from diverse fields like politics, business, world affairs, youth affairs, social causes, health, travel, entertainment, humor and career guidance and world affairs and keep organizing a lot of events and contests for the benefit of the BMS student community. also offers amazing internship opportunities in the field of Content Creation, Contest Organization and Sales and Marketing.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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