Control Your Temper Or It Will Control You



When I was small I used to have temper, I use to get angry really quickly. Soon I came to realize that if I get too angry it is not good for me and for others. I started practicing few things, which made me change this temperamental behavior of mine.

Being temperamental is drawback in a person if you have it. The reason to it is that, anyone can easily take advantage of you when you are angry.

When you lose your temper at that time you don’t understand that what you are saying or to whom you are saying. Since you are not in your right mind. You are restless and angry. 

During such times, the person who you are talking to may get hurt even if you don’t want them to. 

Once the words said can’t be taken back. Just like time which can never go back.

I have patience which helps me to think proper and helps me in many situations. Having a lot of patience is a good thing but if it exceeds then it might become a con for you.

Since people with a lot of patience are also taken advantage of. Since they do not get angry and are cool and calm about things.

So now the question arises how to maintain this balance of temper.

It is difficult to balance temper, One should have the right amount of patience and temper. 

If you are patient with a person even after giving him many chances then you are wrong . Then one must show a little anger or disappointment with them so that they understand that you won’t ignore such things.

In a stressful situation when you lose your temper then you might take a wrong decision which will affect you.

To control your temper here are some things you can do :

1. Start Counting : 

Start counting numbers from 1 to 100 to cool down yourself and to distract yourself from the anger which is getting you. This really works providing you count till 100 or more depending on how much time it takes you to cool down.

2. Listen to music :

Personally, I listen to music when I am very angry. It helps me to calm my self down. It only takes 5- 10 minutes for me to cool down my anger.

3. Humming a Song :

Some people like to hum a song when they are angry, which is also very effective on people. Helps you to distract yourself from the anger feeling.

These are three techniques which are effective and easy to do when you know that you are going to lose your temper.

Try to control your temper as it can be controlled. It is not impossible to not to control anger. 

Stay happy and avoid temper.





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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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