Convent Teachers Going To Battle The Corruption


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Spawned by 5 years of corruption and injustice, the 250 Convent teachers are all set to give it back and battle it off till they earn their rights.They have been deprived of the grantuity and seniority scale which they are entitled to. They are now set to stage an agitation if things don’t get better by September 5.

The teachers are forced to work on salaries that are way below the pay scales recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission. The Archdiocese Board of Education (ABE) has been turning a deaf ear to their pleas and have been pocketing their salaries. Retired teachers do not receive what they are entitled to. In an encounter with the teacher she highlighted of how a teacher is forgotten after retirement and not given what she has been promised to. Is this the way to upheld the promises to somebody who has devoted their energies relentlessly towards the betterment of the school and children? ABE and the school authorities really need to ask this to themselves. Broken promises? Not paying the educators who have been imparting us with the gift of knowledge is like a shame, speaks of disrepute! Time and again the teachers have approached the management, the ABE and the BMC education but none of these tried to render a helping hand. It was ruthless how the Father at St.Sebastian School claimed that the teacher should commit suicide but she wouldn’t be given the pay she has been entitled to. This is a shaming phenomenon how these persons and institutions claim that teachers are the architects of the society and then end up indulging in oppression, subjugation and corruption just because of their post. What they preach and how they end up behaving, fakery and fabrication it is! These teachers are now planning to stage an agitation outside the BMC office, Dadar . They have all the evidence to give it back to the ruthless, shaming authorities. Ruhiee Kapoor, the representative of the teachers with more then 250 of them from a plethora of schools from the town to the suburbs are all set to take this forward.

This has shook off my trust in all these authorities who are supposed to protect us and serve us. They are indeed a blot of shame. A sinister simulation. Might sound like a cliché but we cannot repay our teachers.We are more of them then us cause of the education we have imbibed by the spate of lectures, talks and everything that we have imbibed. I hope the teachers battle it off and also hope it is a landmark judgment for the past, present and future. There is hullabaloo on small, ineffectual topics and an imperative topic like this is not spoken about so much. The education arena cannot afford to be be ignored like this and we as the media and the people, witnesses to this need to raise our voice against such demeaning acts rather then sensationalizing trivial, useless topics not so worthy of airtime and news space. When beholders become conspirators, we sit wordlessly? No, as a democracy this should be far off. I plan to take this up as grave a issue as any other and this is my tribute to all my teachers. I’ll stand by all of them, Will you?

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