Corporate Communication and Public Relations – Learn Online


Hello TYBMS Students.

We’ve covered whole topic of Public Relations and Corporate Communications in an in-depth way through articles mentioned below.

Do go through it and make the best of your understanding for the subject. We’re committed to help you. If you have any doubts just leave a comment and I will respond to you as at my earliest convenience.

Corporate Communication and Public Relations

Corporate Communication : Scope and Relevance

Corporate Communication : Scope and Relevance


Key concept in Corporate Communication

Key concept in Corporate Communication

Ethics and Law in Corporate Communication

Ethics and Law in Corporate Communication



Fundamentals of Public Relations

Fundamentals of Public Relations

Emergence of Public Relations

Emergence of Public Relations

Public Relations Environment

Public Relations Environment



Theories Used in Public Relations

Theories Used in Public Relations





Media Relations

Media Relations





Employee Communication

Employee Communication



Crisis Communication

Crisis Communication



Financial Communication

Financial Communication



Contribution of technology to Corporate Communication

Contribution of technology to Corporate Communication



Information Technology in Corporate Communication

Information Technology in Corporate Communication



Corporate Blogging

Corporate Blogging



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