Public relations a very vital role in the image building and developing identity in the corporate structure. This project will identify and explain various aspects and highlights of public relation relations activity in the achievement of this objective and helps in developing the basic psyche of image and identity. This project will also cover elements of corporate image and identify corporate identity essentials and basic components of corporate identity.
Corporate image & corporate identity
These are basically 2 different things.
One should always remember that corporate image is mental i.e. what one thinks about the company? While corporate identity is physical. I.e. how one sees or identifies it?
Elements which constitute a total corporate image.
1. The date of founding of company.
2. It has plants / factories all over the country.
3. It makes building materials, but diversified in aluminum windows.
4. It has excellent industrial relations record & has a profit sharing scheme.
5. Chairman/CEO plays an important role in trade association affairs
Elements involved in corporate identity.
1. Paint on vehicles & other forms of transportation.
2. All stationery, invoices, business cards, letterheads etc.
3. Name displays on factories, head office buildings etc.
4. Exhibition stands, showrooms, mobile exhibitions etc.
5. Sales literature, price lists, catalogues, etc.
6. Labels, packaging & containers.
7. House journals.
8. Instructional leaflets, service manuals.
9. Uniforms, overalls, caps, lapel badges etc.
10. Point of sales display materials.
11. Advertisements in all visible media.
12. Credits on Video tapes & slide presentations.
13. Diaries & calendars.
14. Giveaways, company ties etc.
15. Annual reports.
Corporate Identity Essentials
1. It should be distinctive.
2. Easily recognizable.
3. Easily rememberables.
4. It should be characteristic.
Basic Components of Corporate Identity:
A. Logo
B. Color
C. Special typeface.
D. Trade character.
E. Permanent slogan.