CPLC Target MBA – What To Expect


Target MBA by CPLC is an intensive seminar on MBA to be conducted in association with WeSchool.


CPLC (Division of MT Educare) is an MBA Testprep institute and WeSchool is well known Management Institute in Mumbai – both have grown to be much sought after institutes of management aspirants over the years.


Target MBA, the Seminar, is a carefully planned series of interactive sessions to give complete clarity on higher education in management.


The sessions would cover the following:


  • What is an MBA course?
  • What are the different MBA Programs?
  • What specialization should one opt for?
  • Is work experience necessary?
  • What are the career opportunities available to an MBA?
  • Industry expectations during placements.
  • How to gain an edge in the entrance examinations that lead to MBA.
  • Selection process of B-Schools and their parameters.


Experts in the respective fields will address these and other issues.


Experts from HUL, Cadbury and other corporate houses will address careers and specializations.


Current and past students of B-Schools including those from JBIMS will address the issues related to the MBA course itself and share their experience while they were pursuing MBA.


Experienced faculty from CPLC will address all the issues related to test taking and preparation.


In addition to the above, students will also have the opportunity to interact with several B-Schools directly through the kiosks set up by them at the venue.


In brief, CPLC Target MBA is a must-attend event for anyone who is seriously considering higher education in management.



Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Lakhamshi Napoo Road, Near Matunga (Central Railway)

Date 28th Feb 2015 Time 9:30 am onwards.

ENTRY FREE through Registration by calling 9702702888

Check Details of the event at : http://cplc.net.in/targetmba/

CPLC and WeSchool cordially invite you to attend the Seminar.


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