Crack MAT 2014 : Analysis Of MAT December 2013 Exam


Mathematical Skills (Difficult)

Time, Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Mixtures and Alligations, Pipes and Cisterns, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Percentages, Geometry and Mensuration, Averages and Probability.

Language Comprehension (Easy)

Equal division of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension questions, 20 each. There were 5 Reading Comprehension passages with 4 questions each. The lengths of the passages were short and the topics were on business, politics and environment.

The Verbal Ability or English Usage questions came from vocabulary (synonyms and antonyms), grammar, fill in the blanks, parajumble, identifying the essence of paragraph etc. Majority of the questions were on easy level of difficulty. However, questions on antonyms and odd man out were a bit tricky.

Data Analysis & Sufficiency (Easy, little time-consuming)

20 questions on  Data Interpretation, other topics included 5 questions on Data Sufficiency and 5 questions on Quantitative Comparison. Line Graphs, Bar Charts, Pie Charts + Bar Charts, Tables, Caselet based etc. Quantitative Comparison included questions on a set of 2 statements where candidates had to find which quantity was greater using both the statements.

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning (Easy)

Its a mixture of Verbal Reasoning and Logical Reasoning questions. The Verbal Reasoning area included questions on Analogies, Cause and Effect questions, Statement Conclusion questions, and Assertion and Reason questions. The Logical Reasoning questions included Family Tree questions, Calendars questions, Matrix Arrangements questions, Grouping and Conditionality, Arrangement and Alphabet Series which were quite easy.

Indian and Global Environment

35 questions out of 40 were on current affairs. The topics were Indian and international business, economics and politics. Rest questions were on static GK.

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