Craziest Football Trolls That Will Make You Go ROFL


suarez troll

The world is filled with trolls especially the Internet World. There have been some of the funniest rants, chants, songs, quotes made on rival teams, famous players or managers. The World Cup might be going intense and scary as it is in the knockout rounds but take a break and enjoy these few trolls that will make you roll on the floor laughing…

We start it with our very own Arsene Wenger.. There are hundreds of trolls of him, even Jose Mournho trolled him last season calling him ‘the Specialist in Failure’. The funniest of jokes were taken on him because of his lack of trophies in last 9 years, though arsenal finally won a FA cup last year.. here are some Wenger jokes..

‘Arsene walked into the tunnel after a heavy defeat in a game because he needed some SPACE.. He went to Arsenal’s trophy room’

When Arsenal was beaten 6-0 against Chelsea..

‘What is the difference between Arsenal and a Taxi?’

‘Taxi only lets 4 in’

A joke on England’s bad World Cup

‘What’s the difference between England and a tea-bag?

‘A tea-bag stays in the CUP longer’…

We just cannot forget LUIS SUAREZ… here are some jokes on his biting..

‘Downloaded a video of Suarez’s great moments, it was just three mega BITES’

‘Luis Suarez will like to thank his FANGS for their support’

‘Luis Suarez was in the queue of Teeth when God was handing out Brains’

The best comes from the Manchester United fans about Luis Suarez… They have a funny chant which should be sung everytime Suarez is caught offside as it is so damn funny…

“Your Teeth is Offside,

Your Teeth is Offsiiiide..

Luis Suarez,

Your Teeth is Offside”

– Jainam Jhaveri

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  1. I smell that the writter is an man u fan……i am a man u fan as well….kudos on the arsenal jokes…but u hav to admit that man utd as much as I luv is a team that has lost its dad and is wondering the streets like a lost puppy…man utd should b relegated ……i hate my team man utd

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