Crazy Reasons Why Being A Woman Is a Matter Of Pride!



A ever loving mother, a sweet sister, careful soul mate, a praising teacher, adorable grandmother, gossiping aunties, naughty friend or a determined daughter. Women have never failed to inscribe her roles anytime. Right from the past to today’s modern days – Women have always been consistent in whatever role or work they have pursued. Women are never lacking. Right before the independence till now the Struggle and journey of women is hilarious. Women were always thrown on the edge of cruelty. She suffered, sacrificed badly since those Times. Still griping up and living for herself – every woman has a reason to be proud of herself. Today’s world is nothing without woman. Gone are those days when woman was only used as the machine to cook food and raise children. Education has changed everything and has given women her rightful position and the immense justice.

Past women used to bear everything – right from abuses to physical harassment. Now you say her a word or touch her she will screw you to the ground. Women are the world. You can’t imagine your life without your mother either sister or your life partner. Men will and always need women. Humans are binded on each other. This world cannot survive with disrespect and hatred.

Women today are happy and crazy. Have a look abut some things why being woman is a matter of pride.


The painful history of women- the way she was treated and her position in the society will always make you sad. But the way she used the time and molded her to get her rights and live her life happily will always give women the proud esteem feeling of her birth as a woman. Since it was the beginning of the women chain it’s always remembered .Great women took initiative anciently and that is why today we women have a powerful position.


When a woman speaks rightly she leaves everyone in the shock of silence. In a country like India the different cultures lay different situations. Women have always succeeded in showcasing their boldness. Boldness depicts the inner stiffness the person has regarding some issues.


Women are the mirror lover. They love themselves and want to look beautiful 24*7. Even when they wake up, they wish to look as fresh and beautiful as the girl in the movies. Well, loving yourself is not a crime. A WOMAN HAS THE RIGHT TO FULFIL HER BARBIE WISHES AND LOOK THE MOST BEAUTIFUL.


Indian women are said to have this quality right from their birth. The habit of savings. While in other countries they believe in spending whatever they earn. India is the country well known for its savings habit. Well this feather is added to our hat – again because of  women. Cheers.



How can you have a party without girls? 2 boys dancing won’t appeal the viewers much. Girls add glamour everywhere and have a contentful personality.


Feeding the family and kids first and eating the remains – a mother daily sacrifices many things. You won’t quickly realize her sacrifices. She will shower you with all your necessities and happiness. Same the daughter who marries and lives her house – sacrifices many things at her in- law’s house. The Indian parampara teaches her this. it takes guts to sacrifice – so pat yourself girls.


Feminine spirit heals the world, the people around her, her family and friends. She has the solution to all your geeky odd problems and you know you will get the pleasant care and understanding when you go to her with your problems. She is the healer.

Whether it’s your home, office cabin or work files – you will find all her things spik and span and perfectly placed. Woman likes to be displined. They wake up early, finishes ALL CHORES AND SETT OFF TO JOB. COME HOME AT EVE AND AGAIN THE CHORES START. Omg – HATS OFF TO THEM.



The ultimate hunter of life is in a woman’s hand. It’s beautiful how a woman gives birth to a life. You will keep wondering about it – why a woman? God knows only a woman can do this courageous task and bring up a life on earth.


It’s not always a happy filmy story in a woman’s life. There are many who get divorced with children and no financial support. Woman never loses especially for their children. They are responsible and work hard. Salute to the women who play the double role duty successfully.

These were still the least issues. Women have backed up the society in every way. Ahh in love with women hood again. In love with myself. Proud to be a women.

 – Sangita Maiti

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