Crazy Sports That Can Kill You!



Sports are for fun, entertainment and enjoyment but there are some sports around which can get real dangerous, but still people play them, because of the thrill and adventure they get from them. Ever tried riding on a bull? Or climbing the Everest? Well you know how crazy it is but these are some of the popular but dangerous sports around the world.


Playing a kind of hockey by riding on a horse is scary and dangerous. It is a harsh game where there are some rash blows. By watching beast of horses ridden by men with courage running around and fighting for the supremacy is like the ancient times. This is a sport not everyone can play.

Bull Riding

I still don’t know why people do it because every time, every second there is a chance of getting ripped by the big Bull. People still do it and does take a lot of heart and courage to climb on a bull. There are chances of bull using it’s thorns to knock you out, or jump on you. Imagine 2000 pounds of angry monster all over you.


It is dangerous because a player has to take a blow on the face and it is always dangerous especially if you get a hard punch on head. It is made to knock the opponent down. This sport is made to hurt and your aim is to not get hurt while knock the opponent down. It surely is one heck of a dangerous sport.


Imagine you are running with the ball and a heavy build guy comes with a force of a bull, tackles you and takes you down and not just one guy but the entire opponent team wants to take the ball off you. This game is surely not for weak hearts and it is impossible to get away with injuries, blows, bruises and can get even more dangerous.


Climbing a mountain is dangerous and can kill you, there is no doubt about it. As mountain climbers have to face many problems like rock falls, climatic changes, lack of oxygen as you go up but many people every year die doing this but it’s a passion, a thrill to climb a gigantic mountain and reach the heights no ordinary person can.


It looks good in the eye but it is dangerous. The waves are unstable and to balance yourself with a board against huge waves, wind and a deep ocean is not easy. There are also chances of surfers getting attacked by the marine life.


Whether it be bike or car racing, it is dangerous and racers get heavily injured or killed by accidents. It is breath taking to see them take the sharp turns, overtake the opponent and all those great things but it is really tough and just a mistake of split of a second and you are gone.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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