Creative Marketing


Creative Marketing relies on analytical tools and customer insight capabilities to improve marketing programs, optimize the overall marketing investment and deliver the brand promise. As the number of customer channels has exploded, so has the need for creative marketing, which involves all the activities associated with building and sustaining a compelling brand and ensuring that customer interactions reflect a satisfying brand experience.

In the past, creative marketing efforts have been applied to CRM efforts in much the same way as technology. It’s been far too easy for companies to develop a host of messages – from ad campaigns to customer service representative scripts – that are unintentionally inconsistent. Such inconsistent messages delivered via a number of different channels – when coupled with poor understanding of why brand and message consistency is so critical to the customer experience – often produce fragmented experiences that frustrate the customer who probably won’t come back.

Fortunately, companies are changing the way they approach creative marketing. By integrating its processes with those of analytical and operational marketing, and by focusing on the total customer experience, creative marketing can now be used to build a unified brand across all of a company’s online and offline channels. In other words, creative marketing is no longer considered an “afterthought“.

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