Unit 1
- What are the features and objectives of CRM
- Explain the evolution on CRM
- What are the benefits of CRM
- What are the components of CRM
- What are the barriers to good CRM
- What are the key features of SLA in CRM
- What are the various relationship development strategies through CRM
Unit 2
- What is cross selling and upselling
- What are the methods to improve customer retention
- What is the role of channel optimization, personalization and event based marketing in CRM
- How is CRM managed at call centers
- What is data management and what are the types of data
- What are the types of data analysis tools
- What is collaborative filtering and what are the types
Unit 3
- What is customer value and how to create customer value
- What is the company profit chain
- What is customer satisfaction and what are the importance of the same
- What is customer loyalty ladder
- What are the various customer retention strategies
- What is the significance of knowledge management in CRM
- Bring out the relevance of 3E in CRM
- How is CRM implemented in organization
Unit 4
- What are the various software applications of E CRM
- What is the relevance of social networking and CRM
- What are the advantages of Mobile CRM
- What are the recent global trends in CRM
- What are the key CRM challenges
- Bring out the ethical issues in CRM
Text books recommended
- Sheth Publications:- Nagpal,Sharma,
For any further clarifications, please feel free to contact Prof Vipin Saboo. You can whatsapp him on 9820779873.
Source:- Vipin Saboo Tutorials