Cumerbatch V/S Downey Jr. – The Better SHERLOCK?


No need to describe the famous character portrayed by these seasoned characters, of whose ground base where sketched by Sir Conan Doyle and which were accepted across each continent with immense response and serious liking.

However a striking differentiation arises among both these gentlemen when it comes to worldwide viewership and admiration:


1)      No nonsense look:  Just a glance at Benedict and one might think is “is he a living thing or a ghostly soul” with all of his penetrating gaze and deduction, even the most confident man would collapse. Whereas, Downey Jr. looks bit relaxed in his demeanour.

2)      Mind palace, the complex meditation technique of Benedict which is in all simple or Gift of God, you may never know it, but all the mental process and science of deduction as of Sherlock (2013) was way above the ancient Sherlock who could just display potential to ‘slow motion stimulator.’


3)      Coat, the typical ‘Englishmen all weather coat’ as depicted by Cumerbatch, was trendy amongst the London’s weekly for several months. However Downey Jr.’s cast was out of place and clearly old fashion (don’t forget that year describes was 1890).

4)      However a note of appreciation to Downey Jr. is that despite of been an American nationalist, he could mould his Ascent to depict British character. Ascent seemed to prove no barrier to Benedict since he belongs to United Kingdom itself.


5)      Watson, how can one forget about Sherlock’s shadow, who can be coined as Holmes’ better half as well. It is well said that Watson defines Sherlock’s success and it is well proven in Sherlock (2013). In movie however Watson’s impact was not striking.


Whoever the cast, needless to say, the actors were greeted with positive response all across the globe.  It was one of the rare occasions where in the “movie dominated the book”.


–Vibhav Galadagekar

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