Curfew in Hyderabad on the eve of National Lok Sabha Election 2014 Results


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Indian authorities have ordered for curfew in Hyderebad on Thursday on the eve of national election results.  Hundreds of police and paramilitary forces patrolled Hyderabad city to prevent fresh religious violence, one day after three people were killed when officers fired during clashes between Muslims and Sikhs. Police said a curfew would remain in place in the old quarter of Hyderabad, an IT hub home to giants Google and Microsoft, following the clashes on Wednesday that saw mobs destroying many  homes and other property.

“About 500 police are patrolling the area. The situation is calm and quiet now,” local joint police commissioner Y.Gangadhar told AFP.
“Our personnel are talking to the residents and trying to reassure them on their safety and security,” he said.

When  BJP in power with Modi as prime minister, which could give birth to  tensions across the officially secular but Hindu-majority country between religious communities.
Election commission officials even  banned victory processions in India’s holiest Hindu city of Varanasi as soon as the results were announced.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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