Skin rash the most common term that describes an outbreak of red bumps on the body that changes the texture of the skin. A skin rash can be result of many different conditions, ranging from allergies to infections. Allergic rashes fall under two categories dermal & systemic. A dermal is caused when the skin is coming in direct contact with the allergen. A systemic allergy is the consequence of something ingested. Systemic allergies can be more serious & difficult to diagnose.
A skin rash can be localized or a widespread. It can be itch, tingle, burn, cause pain, swell or blister or can be present with no discomfort disorder. Some rashes go away as soon as the allergen is removed. Others for curing needs treatment. Specific cause of skin rashes include change in temperature, food allergens, sensitivity to certain drugs, pollens, dust, soap products, perfumes, latex etc.
Remedies that can be very effective in allergic rash is Washing the affected area with chamomile tea. Applying olive oil to the rash. A mixture of cod liver oil & vitamin E is very effective in eliminating rashes. Grinding holy basil leaves, combined with one tablespoon of olive-oil, 2 garlic cloves, a pinch of salt & a pinch of pepper & smearing over the rash. Vitamin C has strong anti-oxidant properties that help in healing rashes & reduce the subsequent chances of the allergy. Another good remedy for skin allergies is to crush the one tablespoon of poppy seeds, mixed with one teaspoon of water & one teaspoon of lime juice & apply to the rash. Liver toxicity can also be the cause of the skin rashes. It may be beneficial to do a liver cleanse. Herbs that help to detoxify liver are turmeric, dandelion etc.
Natural remedies are safe than certain lotions, steroids & antihistamines. & avoid smoking, heavy consumption of alcohol, & cosmetics which can also in prevent many skin rashes.