Current Scenario of Blue Star


The Rs 510 crore of annual turnover Blue Star is the market leader in central ACs. The company leads the segment with a current market share of approximately 37 per cent. According to It is also a leader in ducted systems or the packaged AC segment. With an almost 40 per cent increase in order inflow during FY01, the company has significantly improved its market share from 33 per cent to the current 37 per cent. Around 92 per cent of the company’s revenues comes from ACs and commercial refrigeration equipment business. Of this, almost 85 per cent of the revenue is contributed by the central and ducted AC systems. Of the remaining, 10 per cent comes from window ACs and the rest from mini split ACs. While there is intense competition in the window and split ACs, Blue Star enjoys a competitive advantage of having over 70 per cent of corporate and commercial customers. Blue star has laumched new turbo rotary remote ac’s and hi-wall split ac’s .

Blue star manufactures and markets wide range of Air- conditioning and refrigeration

systems and products. These includes large central Air –conditioning plants, packaged

Air-conditioning systems, split and window Air-conditioners. The company has business alliances with world – renowned technology leaders such as York international, U.S.A.; Kolpak, U.S.A.; vest frost, Denmark, and many others, so as to offer superior products to the customers . its Thane plant manufactures a variety of CFC-free products for central plant Air-conditioning and refrigeration . the products for Air-conditioning and refrigeration plant comprise centrifugal water-cooled screw chillers in the range of

150-600 tons of refrigeration, reciprocating package chillers and condensing units.

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