Customer Relationship Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


Customer Relationship Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules  No. of Lectures
 1  Introduction to Customer Relationship Management  15
 2  CRM Marketing Initiatives, Customer Service and Data Management  15
 3  CRM Strategy, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation  15
 4  CRM New Horizons  15
Total  60

Customer Relationship Management – Syllabus Overview

SN  Modules/ Units
 1  Introduction to Customer Relationship Management
• Concept, Evolution of Customer Relationships: Customers as strangers, acquaintances, friends and partners
• Objectives, Benefits of CRM to Customers and Organisations, Customer Profitability Segments, Components of CRM: Information, Process, Technology and People, Barriers to CRM
• Relationship Marketing and CRM: Relationship Development Strategies: Organizational Pervasive Approach, Managing Customer Emotions, Brand Building through Relationship Marketing, Service Level Agreements, Relationship Challenges
 2  CRM Marketing Initiatives, Customer Service and Data Management
• CRM Marketing Initiatives: Cross-Selling and Up-Selling, Customer Retention, Behaviour Prediction, Customer Profitability and Value Modeling, Channel Optimization, Personalization and Event-Based Marketing
• CRM and Customer Service: Call Center and Customer Care: Call Routing, Contact Center Sales-Support, Web Based Self Service, Customer Satisfaction Measurement, Call-Scripting, Cyber Agents and Workforce Management
• CRM and Data Management: Types of Data: Reference Data, Transactional Data, Warehouse Data and Business View Data, Identifying Data Quality Issues, Planning and Getting Information Quality, Using Tools to Manage Data, Types of Data Analysis: Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Clickstream Analysis, Personalisation and Collaborative Filtering, Data Reporting
 3  CRM Strategy, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
• Understanding Customers: Customer Value, Customer Care, Company Profit Chain: Satisfaction, Loyalty, Retention and Profits
• Objectives of CRM Strategy, The CRM Strategy Cycle: Acquisition, Retention and Win Back, Complexities of CRM Strategy
• Planning and Implementation of CRM: Business to Business CRM, Sales and CRM, Sales Force Automation, Sales Process/ Activity Management, Sales Territory Management, Contact Management, Lead Management, Configuration Support, Knowledge Management CRM Implementation: Steps- Business Planning, Architecture and Design, Technology Selection, Development, Delivery and Measurement
• CRM Evaluation: Basic Measures: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty, Company 3E Measures: Efficiency, Effectiveness and Employee Change
 4  CRM New Horizons
• e-CRM: Concept, Different Levels of E- CRM, Privacy in E-CRM:
• Software App for Customer Service:# Activity Management, Agent Management, Case Assignment, ContractManagement, Customer Self Service, Email Response Management, Escalation, Inbound Communication Management, Invoicing, Outbound Communication Management, Queuing and Routing, Scheduling

• Social Networking and CRM

• Mobile-CRM
• CRM Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
• Ethical Issues in CRM

Reference Books for Subject: Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management : ~ 
1. Baran Roger J. & Robert J. Galka (2014), Customer Relationship Management: The Foundation of Contemporary Marketing Strategy, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
2. Anderrson Kristin and Carol Kerr (2002), Customer Relationship Management, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Ed Peelen, Customer Relationship Management, Pearson Education
4. Bhasin Jaspreet Kaur (2012), Customer Relationship Management, Dreamtech Press.
5. Judith W. Kincaid (2006), Customer Relationship Management Getting it Right, Pearson Education.
6. Jill Dyche’ (2007), The CTM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management, Pearson Education.
7. Valarie A Zeithmal, Mary Jo Bitner, Dwayne D Gremler and Ajay Pandit (2010), Services Marketing Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Urvashi Makkar and Harinder Kumar Makkar (2013), CRM Customer Relationship Management, McGraw Hill Education.



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