Customer Service Performance


Customer performance is defined as:-

a)                 An activity or function to be managed such as order processing or handling of customer complaints.

b)                Actual performance on parameters such as ability to ship to orders within a certain period.

c)                 Part of an overall corporate philosophy.



The number of ways in which  effective demand management will help to unify channel members with the common goal of proving efficient customer service and thereby satisfying customer and solving their problem are as below:

(1)             Gathering and analyzing knowledge about consumers, their problem and their unment needs.

(2)             Identifying partner to perform the functions needed in the demand chain.

(3)             Assigning the functions that need to be done to the channel members that can perform them most effectively and efficiently.

(4)             Sharing with other supply chain members knowledge about the consumers and customers, available technology and logistics challenges and opportunities.

(5)             Delivering and executing the best logistic, transportation and distribution method to deliver product and services to the consumers in the desired manner.




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