Cute Romantic SMS Collection, Send Free Romantic SMS to Your Loved Ones


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Romantic SMS


1.Love… I want to hold you close to me and feel our hearts beat as one forever.

2.If you believe perfection simply isn’t real, Kiss your love in the rain, Many things in this world can wash away pain, But none of them compare, to kiss in the rain.

3.I want U 2 miss me wen U think of me,
kiss me wen I’m there.
Hold me like I’m you’re everything,
twiddle your fingers in my hair.

4.The Full Form of Chocolate Brand :
KITKAT – Kiss in Time, Kiss at Time
PERK – Perfect Emotional Romantic Kiss
MUNCH – Meet Urgently Now for a Charming Hug! So think before giving chocolate to any one.

5.Its nice whn som1 holds n umbrella 4 u undr d rain… Bt its nicr whn som1 holds ur hand & togthr v run crazily undr th rain.

6.My heart 2 U is given:ØH, do give urs 2 me;We’ll lock them up together,& throw away D key.

7.i want to be surrounded by you always, day and night.

URs hugs bring strength unknown.
Ur smiles bring sunshine 2 brighten my mood
U r voice tells tales 2 sooth my restless soul
U r whisper says I love U never let me go.

8.Nver ask 4 a kiss, just take it.
Nver ask 4 a hug, just give it.
Nver ask do u Luv me? Say I Luv u.
Nver say I can’t live without u, say I live for U

9. I search 4 U every chance I get,
I always wish 2 see your face.
If I could touch your lips wid mine,
D thought of tis is so divine.
I want 2 feel U, touch, and kiss,
send U into a heavenly bliss,
I want U , need U, love U, sweetie
10.I wanna hug you tight.
I wanna kiss your lips.
I wanna make you feel wanted.
I wanna call you mine.
I wanna hold you forever.
Miss you, my sweetheart!

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