The Journey Of A Successful BMS Content Writer Intern – Ms. Daisy Pais



  • Tell us about yourself

I look simple and innocent on the outside but I’m the crazy one on the inside. At times I get mad and make everyone mad around me. (Winks)  I’m always happy and cheerful when I see smiling faces around me and get even happier when their smiles are because of me. I do not like being ignored and left alone, being surrounded by people makes me happy. I’m not an attention seeker but I like attention. I do not like when certain things change like the people whom I love, otherwise change is acceptable.


       2)      How and when did you get started writing?

I started writing from the second year of my BMM course when we were asked to write in class. I was not much fond of writing; now that I have started I believe it’s a great way to put one’s thoughts and imagination into words.


  • How do you usually find your ideas / writing topics?

I get my ideas from many things that are happening around me, from situations that I have gone through, by watching something on television, from anywhere where it strikes my mind.


  • What are your favorite books – and why?

I mostly like reading romantic fictions novels, while reading them I feel like I’m into the story and the stories speaks about me.


  • Favorite films?

I like watching 3 idiots, I have already seen it like a 50 times I can see it some 100 times more and I also like watching English fantasy films like Narnia. Although I watch any film.


  • Favorite Music?

I like all kinds of music but most with meaningful words and good beats.


  • Give us 3 “Good to know” facts about you. Be creative.

I don’t lose my temper so easily, until the situation gets out of my head.

I like listening and solving people’s problem, I’m the so called problem solver.

I always want the things that I do to be perfect or at least next to perfect.


  • Who has influenced you the most in your life? And Why?

My parents have influenced and supported me in whatever I have done and whatever I decide to do in life. They have been my inspiration always to do better and be perfect each time I do something.


  • What next after the BMS writing internship?

I’m hoping to get a job that can enhance my writing skills. And hope to be a part of your website again.


  • What tips would you like to give to the upcoming writers / interns of

When we write we always have this thing in our mind that using bigger words and phrases shows that you are a great writer, but the truth is it’s always better to make use of simple words and ideas that can get you connected to your reader, that’s when one will be great writer. So avoid exaggeration, put forth your idea in the simplest way.



  • Your feedback/suggestions for, you’re doing a great job by providing a way to young writers who do not have a platform to put forth their imagination. For me it was an amazing experience writing for

My suggestion is continue with your great work.


You can read the articles of Daisy Pais in the below link:

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