The dark side of Bollywood.


Bollywood, a word for which half of the nation goes crazy. It sets hopes and heart afire for many starstruck individuals waiting eagerly for a Friday release. It is a store house of entertainment. A juncture for a wide fraternity of individual dealing in the common medium of dramatics and film-making. It is a source of sheer talent and a global platform for many talented performers to get  exposure and chance to enact their talent far wide to a bunch of viewers.  May it be sizzling showers or the scorching sun, icy cold or thundering storm, audience do take time out of the busy schedule and spend some bucks to enjoy a three hour movie in their nearest multiplexes.

The fan following which film makers get is just outstanding! They have wide range of audience straight from decent viewers to funky stereotypes. Each and every individual enjoys this cinematic entertainment and loves to follow it. Ofcourse there are haters as well, but as we, opposition makes one stronger and more successful. The expectations of a majority of viewers is always met and the critical acclaims are also decent for most of the A Listed movies. But as we say, every coin has two sides. There is always an evil waiting to attack in every hunky dory situation. Similar is the case of bollywood. This glamoured fraternity got injected by some stealthy bad goons which led to downfall to the well preserved image of Indian Cinema.

 We bring down to you, some of the moments which Bollywood would surely like to forget at this very moment.

1. Crimes by renowned bollywood actors.


It is a common to watch terror and crimes scenes in the reel life, as the story depicts the life of gangsters and the victims. But it all becomes ugly when it turns out to get common even in real life. Yes. Unfortunately the A Listers of bollywood have got their tag in some of the lethal crimes in the history of our country. Sanjay Dutt, praised all over the nation for his excellent timing as well as dialogue delivery, found himself in trouble when he was caught alleged of providing arms and ammunition to the third parties during 1993 terror attacks. Even the hit star, Salman Khan, has his name indulged in crimes like speed driving and poaching in previous years. Only court of law can decide whether these stars deserve punishment or are free due to their popularity.

2. Racism comments on actors.


Even in a community where majority of stars are given the tag of ‘Elite Class’, we saw some shocking comments by such individuals over not so heavy masses of bollywood. Its true. Kareena Kapoor once commented on the Bips of Bollywood, naming her a black cat (kaali billi). This was a real disgrace to the ethnicity of this industry. Not until this matter slowed down, another shatter popped up. Well renowned actor and a star of his generation Rishi Kapoor passed unrighteous comments on the so called brilliant performer Nawazuddin Siddiqui, a war of words burst out of the two when each of them tried to defend himself. In the end, Nawazuddin apologized his senior and promised to improvise on his acting skills.

3. The insecure worry, Casting Couch.


There is no shortage in the country when it comes to talent. It has young aspiring actors in abundance waiting for an opportunity to break the ice. Then why do we have only a few stack of fresh stars available in the country? Why don’t we see many of them hitting the box office every Friday? The reason is very painful to hear. It is because of this evil practice which goes on in bollywood. CASTING COUCH. Casting Couch does exist in the industry which is a shameful thing for the cinema. The casting director goes beyond the decency just for their individual pleasure which leads to partial judgements and the one who deserve the role, get kicked away.

4. The Big Fat Indian Fight.


Fights are common in Bollywood. Generally between leading ladies. Insecurity and envy can be understood. But it gets ugly when the strings are pulled way further. The fight when takes the place of a Cold War is not affordable for stability of the industry. It may lead to utter consequences. Best friends turn arch rivals, chuddy buddies turn worst enemies. The same happened with probably the two greatest star of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan. A few spicy exchange of words led to a huge cold war between the two, effects of which are still been noticed.

Though Bollywood may have forgot these tragedies and have moved further, but these are some of the black dots on a clean tee, which cannot be washed ever. We wish that these kind of situation never happen again in future and we see a clean and happy faces all over the B-Town.

-Parth Dedhia

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