Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai? 5 Effective Ways To Overcome Fear


10 Steps for Overcoming the Fear of Making a Change

FEAR is man’s best companion. We fear anything and everything present on this earth. I’m sure you all fear something or the other be it darkness, heights, fire, water and also animals and creepy creatures. For us student’s examination and failure is the biggest fear of our life. Even the most courageous person has some or the other fear. We are afraid of something that we can see and even more afraid of something that we cannot see.  No matter what’s your fear and how much it scares you, you need to learn how to overcome it. Here are few things you could do when fear comes your way.

  1. Analyse your fear: Think of all the things you are afraid of. Analyse your past history and recollect whether you had a bad or negative experience in your life or whether is it somehow related to the place or environment you lived in or since how long this fear has triggered your life. Analyzing your fear will help understand your fear.
  2. Find out reasons and signs of fear: Finding out reasons to your problem is the best way to solve it. See the signs, look what happens to fear when you are hit by your fear. Do you stress out, do you get scared of things around you or you like to keep yourself isolated. These small little signs will lead you to the path of overcoming your fears.
  3. Keep your thought and imagination under control: Your mind does all the talking which is why you need to keep it in control. We make our fear even bigger than it actually is, is due to our thoughts and imagination. For example, if you think that ghost exists and make a picture of it in your mind, you’re most likely to get scared of it. So the moment you feel your getting scared of something, relax your mind and let it not think.
  4. Realise that there is nothing to fear about: Make yourself realize that there is nothing as such as fear. Fear does not exist until we create it ourselves. You can prepare your own mantra for fighting fear “I don’t scared of anything, nothing can scare me, I know it’s not real” something like these could work for that particular moment as your distracting your mind from imagining the fear to your mantra, which will give you some confidence.
  5. Face your fear: The best way to overcome fear is by facing it every time it comes your way. Once that you know the things that scare you and you have kept your thoughts in control you can go forward and face it. Once you have made up your mind to face it nothing can stop you from getting over your fear. Fear will be by your side till the time you don’t prepare yourself to face it.
  6. Don’t hesitate to ask for help: If nothing works for you, and your fear seems to get out of control do not hesitate to get professional or family guidance. Often we keep our fears to ourselves with the fear of being made fun of. This is also a kind of fear. So overcome your very fear and ask for help when in need.

Fear is something which may not go so easily, some people live with fear their entire life but gradually if you make an attempt you can overcome it. As it is said “Darr ke aage Jeet hai”. (Winks) Also sometimes it’s good to have fear, Fear it keeps you focused towards it and builds courage in you.

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Daisy Pais

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