Date of FYBMS First Merit List 2013 is postponed!


Mumbai University’s mismanagement disappointed 12,000+ BMS Aspirants who had applied for securing seats in FYBMS in more than 100+ BMS Colleges.

Due to heavy rains, delayed trains and water-logged roads, Mumbai University decided to extend the date of announcing the merit list by another day.

Although MU postponed the dates for the betterment of the students but the students had no clue and even the online process had failed. It has confused students as they have deposited only 1 form for multiple courses. The server was down most of the times and even one mistake resulted in repetition of the entire process.

Revised Admission Schedule:

Submission of forms – 11th June (till 1.30pm)

First merit list on college notice boards – 11th June (6pm)

Submission of admission fees – 12th June

Second merit list on college notice boards – 13th June

Third merit list on college notice boards – 15th June


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