David Ginola Enters FIFA Presidential Race! Will It Remain A Popularity Stunt or Will He Win?


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David Desire Marc Ginola is a French former international football player who has also worked as an actor and model.

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David Ginola plans to announce on Friday that he wants to compete against Sepp Blatter for the FIFA presidency post.

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But his ineligibility to stand to compete poses a major problem for the former France international. According to FIFA’s eligibility rules, “the candidate needs to have played an active role in football administration for two of the last five years and he also needs to be publicly nominated by five national associations.”

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For Ginola, he should be nominated by five national associations before January 29, 2015, which seems to be an impossible task.

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Currently Sepp Blatter is seeking his fifth term as president and will face opposition from FIFA vice president, Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein from Jordan.

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