David Wants To Show The Original ‘Bend It Like Beckham’ To The World Again!


Article 10

David Beckham is the world most famous and a master of football whom each and every footballer lover love’s even after him getting retired. So this love of the supporters makes Beckham feel that he should now come back with a bang! David Bechkam has hinted he may come out of retirement and resume his playing career. It all began when the ex-England captain hung up his boots last year after a short-term spell in France with Paris Saint Germain, where he won the Ligue 1 title.

Bechkam’s successful career includes winning six premier league titles, the La Liga, the champion’s league and even appeared at three World Cups. And now the 39- year old admitted that he has gone through a stage of enjoying rest and is all set to make a come-back in his love-life football.

“When you are watching athletes play at the top of their game it gives me that itch again and I want to be back in the game. Could I play again? Could I go back? Could I come out of retirement and start playing again?”- Says the star player David Bechkam.

Just imagine the amount of cheering in the crowd when this legend of football will step in the battlefield against the top players. Everyone does wishes to see  the original ‘Bend it like Bechkam’ again

Thus we wish all the very best to David Bechkam and hope that he makes the come-back as soon as possible!


– By Burhan Fatehi


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