Declare of War of Teenagers Against Terrorism!


The first question in each and every youngsters mind Today is are we safe…
What are we Doing ? May be the Second question….
Lets Do something ……..

We guys have planned to do a march with a whole unit of youngsters of Navi Mumbai. From Oriental College, Sanpada To Vashi Station. Candle light march is cancelled but we will be have a candle light session at Vashi Station at the end of the event to give our condolences But we expect all crowd to join us from start at Oriental College on Time 10am.

For this Event, Oriental College has Come Forward with their Open hearts and supporting us ..
The event was planned on Sunday but has to be postponed due to many issues …….Regret for Inconvenience but We hope you guys Don’t Mind ..We believe one day holiday for a Job / Classes/College Etc Can be done For our Country….This is nothing but a sign of truelove for our Country.

We will update you regarding Directions …

Looking Forward from you guys a generous support…
Attendance is not Important but Presence

Making A Difference ! Hand in Hand …

Wednesday, July 20 · 10:00am – 1:00pm

From Oriental College, Sanpada to Vashi Station

Contact for more details —

Aniket Patil

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