Deepak Umredkar, Marathi Infoline


Name – Deepak Umredkar

Company – Marathi Infoline

Tell us something about yourself?

I’m in the corporate world in the field of Sales & Marketing since around 10 years.Understanding the psyche of the people and delivering their needs is my passion.I believe in a simple formula, “Whatever you expect, give it first, whether its love, money or respect.” Empathize people & the will empathize you back.

    Tell us something about your company?

    Marathi Infoline is community based information services, one of its kind in the world. It helps both consumers and the businesses to interact between each other to gain business, both B2B & B2C, keeping community as a platform on a Global basis.

    According to you, what is management all about?

    We are in a world of social networking and the digital, internet era. Social Media basically shows the desperation of humanness & interaction between the human beings. This proves that management of anything starts with the people involved in it. Understanding their needs and extracting the best expected deliverables out of them is the key to management. Delegation of work to the right person at a right time, is an uncompromising factor of management of any sort.

    Your views on Corporate World?

    There is an emphasis of in the corporate culture to squeeze out the deliverables, which leads to stress and the overall disappointments. Rather, we need to focus on the self inclination of the people towards the goal; deliverables should be justified in the way that people can’t deny the fulfillment of it, leading to a healthy work environment.

    What is your philosophy towards work?

    Work is Worship, true, but it should be balanced with the personal life. The people who make us a part of the family are the one who provide us the joy and the happiness we seek. They are the one who basically motivates us to work. So attaining a perfect balance between Work & personal life would be the basis of any philosophy behind Work.

    Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

    Interacting with people. The more you do the more you learn. Listening is the basic skill one need to possess to have fun. Coz without that the messages are not communicated in right way.

    What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

    Understand the needs of people, how they act, what they want; basically study consumer behavior as science of psychology. Once you get through it managing them is a cake walk.

    If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

    Attitude. Real attitude, not a fake one which one wanna show. Towards life, towards work, towards learning and towards oneself.

    Your feedback for “Visit Golden Maharashtra” Mega Exhibition, 2011 and

    a. Excellent initiative taken by Mr. Gupta and the team. Focusing Maharashtra as a destination for future development and investments is one of the parameters which were not in the spotlight of Government’s agenda. The team has sharpened the sword to cut the desirable task and I am in all ways to render my part of expectations from them.

    b. is a good platform for students to acquire the essential information . The website not only takes care of the academic parameter but also the career orientation and the intellectual recreation for the students. Wish the all the best.

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