Deesha Soni


An interview with Deesha Soni, BMS faculty of Reena Mehta College.

Name– Mrs.Deesha Soni

College– Reena Mehta College of Management Studies

Tell us something about yourself
Hi, I’m Deesha, a 27 year old easy going person, a lecturer by profession and passion involved as a BMS faculty member under the faculty of BMS at Reena Mehta college of Management studies. I love travelling, teaching, and have a special inclination towards occult sciences. I believe in destiny ,god……

Tell us something about your college
I have recently joined Reena Mehta College (RMC) which says Enter to learn, leave to succeed. It’s pretty like any other college with different faculties, faculty members, student’s etc.etc.but it is one of its kind which I have seen to make a fast progress in academia where truly management is just not theoretical but it is practiced everyday at every level.

When did you join the teaching profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

I joined teaching some 5 years ago….. And trust me it’s one of the most challenging fields of the 21st century.
Teaching for me is not only a means for earning my bread, but it also is a stress buster for me when I see different young, curious, notorious, innocent bunch of students always enthusiastic to do and learn something new, who want to compete and excel.

Which subjects do you teach? What do you love most?
I teach Principles of Management, Effective Communication etc.

What is your teaching philosophy?
My philosophies are learning and preaching. Knowledge can be gathered not only from books. But all sources remember King Bruce and the spider!

Do you believe in teaching should be full of ideas rather than stuffed with facts?
Yes, I do and I have always wanted my students to discover and invent new ideas. Great ideas come to great minds which I want my students to have.

Can a student from Arts/science background also do BMS?
Certainly, BMS faculty also welcomes Artists and Scientists should learn the A, B, and C’s of Management Studies. They are very much eligible if they are interested.

As a BMS faculty, what kind of projects do you expect bms students to work upon?
I have always stressed upon taking examples from the current trends and hence I always encourage the students to do a lot of research on their projects and form case studies on their own.

Do you think a BMS Student should participate in College fests and Industrial Visits? Why?
Yes. Students must be encouraged, as they learn a lot about managing organizing through college fests and get practical exposure through industrial visits, which is the need of the hour.

People say BMS is 70 % of first year MBA. After BMS, is work experience important for MBA?
After graduation, students must get an opportunity to apply whatever they have learnt during their college years. Students must be encouraged for learn and earn programmes wherein they opt for higher qualifications and earn as well and get independent.

There is a shortage of eminent professors at bachelors’ level management. With more and more institutes joining the professional courses bandwagon, do you think BMS will become yet another Bcom?
No, the teachings, the projects, and the level of professionalism getting tougher BMS will improve with the revised syllabus, placements and competition.

Do you think the course curriculum is at par with industry expectations?
Yes, as the university keeps on updating the syllabus timely.

Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this?
That’s when we need to mould them into challengers and make them realize that learning is important. Passing and percentages do not decide your future always.

Who in your life has most influenced you?
My grandmother, a shrewd lady who faced and fought all odds through her life and died with pride fighting death.
An independent and practical lady….that she was.

What are your professional/career goals?
I am pursuing my MBA after completing my M.PHIL in first class and am looking forward to my PHD.

Who would you call as the best student so far in your memory?
A very positive and enthusiastic girl from the first year who despite of all odds and pressures, dared to get herself educated.

What suggestions would you like to give to Mumbai University for amendments in the BMS course?
Keep up the good work and focus on the current trends.

How do you find What help should it provide in future?
It’s a good site about BMS and its trends.

What message would you like to give to the bms students?
Buck up, explore, dare to face the world and be a proud BMS student.

Thank you so much for giving us your valuable time. I’m sure reading this interview would be a great help and inspiration for the students.

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