Define Ethos & Explain features of Indian Ethos


“Ethos” is a Greek word originally meaning “accustomed place” or “character” and is used to describe the guilding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation or ideology. Oxford defines ethos as the characteristic spirit and beliefs of community/people which distinguishes one culture from the other.

            Features of Indian Ethos :

  • Based on the two Universal Truths, every Indian believes the God or the Supreme Power is in every body and everything in interconnected at a deeper level. The basic unity of life cannot be broken. Love and sacrifice therefore emerge as the only means for a meaningful living. Based on this holistic vision, Indian have developed the work ethos of life, where they feel all work, physical or mental, managerial or administrative, has to be directed towards a single purpose.
  • Divinity of a human being is not merely a notion but a truth that can be experienced in the stillness of the mind.
  • Between is the keynote of Indian ethos. We have a synthesis, a harmony between the dual concepts.
  • The individual or ‘self’ is the central focus.
  • The divine element in the individual is only a portion of the universal or cosmic consciousness.
  • Lays great emphasis on values.
  • Is based on Indian scriptures that provide eternal knowledge.
  • Belief that all work is worthy and honorable.
  • Emphasis on duties and responsibilities.
  • Deals with two types of knowledge

–                    Knowledge of creation

–                    Knowledge of creator.

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