Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Integrated Marketing Communications



Integrated Marketing Communication or IMC is the use of different promotional methods to achieve the objectives of a marketing campaign. It is a strategic marketing process specifically designed to ensure that all the messaging and communication strategies are centered around the customer.

Integrated Marketing Communication subject aims to equip DU BMS students with knowledge about the nature, purpose and complex construction in the planning and execution of an effective integrated marketing communications (IMC) program. BMS students will get an opportunity to learn about various tools of IMC and the importance of coordinating them for an effective marketing communication program.

Here we present Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Integrated Marketing Communications:

Unit 1 – 12 lectures

  1. Introduction to IMC and the Communication Process
  2. Evolution of IMC and reasons for its growth
  3. Promotional tools for IMC
  4. IMC Planning process
  5. Role of IMC in marketing process
  6. Communication process
  7. Traditional and alternative response hierarchy models
  8. Establishing objectives and budgeting
  9. Determining promotional objectives
  10. Sales vs communication objectives
  11. DAGMAR
  12. Problems in setting objectives
  13. Setting objectives for the IMC program
  14. Establishing and allocation of promotional budget.

Unit 2 – 12 lectures

  1. Creative and media strategy
  2. The creative process
  3. Inputs to the creative process
  4. Advertising appeals
  5. Execution
  6. Concepts in media planning and strategy
  7. Developing a media plan – market analysis
  8. Establishing media objectives
  9. Developing and implementing media strategies
  10. Evaluation and follow up
  11. Advertising spiral

Unit 3 – 8 lectures

  1. Evaluation of broadcast
  2. Print and support media
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of television
  4. Measuring TV audience
  5. Advantages and disadvantages of radio
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of magazines
  7. Circulation and readership
  8. Advantages and disadvantages of newspaper advertising
  9. Types of support media
  10. Traditional and non-traditional
  11. Advantages and disadvantages of support media

Unit 4 – 14 lectures

  1. Evaluating sales promotion
  2. Direct marketing
  3. Interactive marketing
  4. Public relations and personal selling
  5. Objectives and types of direct marketing
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing
  7. Objectives of interactive media marketing
  8. Measures of effectiveness on internet
  9. Advantages and disadvantages of internet
  10. Growth of sales promotions
  11. Types of sales promotions
  12. Consumer and trade promotions
  13. Process
  14. Advantages and disadvantages of public relations
  15. Publicity – advantages and disadvantages
  16. Nature, advantages and disadvantages of personal selling

Unit 5 – 10 lectures

  1. Measuring effectiveness of the promotional program
  2. Evaluating social, ethical and economic aspects
  3. Measuring effectiveness
  4. Arguments for and against effectiveness
  5. Advertising research – what, when, where, how
  6. Testing process
  7. Advertising and promotion ethics
  8. Advertising and children
  9. Social and cultural consequences
  10. Stereotypes
  11. Economic effects of advertising



  • Advertising and Promotion – an integrated marketing communications perspective – Belch, G.E., Belch, M.A. & Purani, K.
  • Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure – Lane, W.R., King, K.W., & Russell, J.T.
  • Integrated advertising, promotion and marketing communication – Clow, K.E., & Baack, D.

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