Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Management of Industrial Relations


industrial relations syllabus

Industrial relations or employee relations or employment relations is the study of examining various employment situations to a large degree which includes collective bargaining, trade unionism and labor management relations. Today in reality, labour unions are declining and fewer companies have industrial relations functions. The challenge of industrial relations is to re-establish itself in the academic, policy and business world.

Management of Industrial Relations aims to acquaint the DU BMS students about concepts of industrial relations and its application in the Indian context.

Here we present Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Management of Industrial Relations:

Unit 1 – 8 lectures

  1. Impact of changes in industrial environment on industrial labor
  2. Features of industrial labor
  3. Profile of Indian managers – traditional, contemporary, women managers
  4. Managerial styles – authoritarian, paternalistic and democratic.

Unit 2 – 15 lectures

  1. Concept of industrial relations
  2. Aspects of industrial relations – conflict and cooperation
  3. Parties in industrial relations – workers, employers and government
  4. Significance of industrial relations
  5. Factors affecting industrial relations
  6. Approaches to industrial relations
  7. Human relations
  8. Pluristic
  9. Social action
  10. Systems approach

Unit 3 – 12 lectures

  1. Trade unions – concept
  2. Objectives of trade unions
  3. Functions
  4. Methods of trade unionism – mutual insurance
  5. Collective bargaining
  6. Legal enactment
  7. Direct action
  8. Structure of trade union
  9. Outside leaderships in trade union
  10. Why workers join trade unions
  11. Importance of trade unions
  12. Problems of trade union in India
  13. Measures for strengthening trade union.

Unit 4 – 16 lectures

  1. Worker’s participation in management objectives
  2. Levels of participation
  3. Requirement of effective participation
  4. Modes of worker participation in India – work committees
  5. Joint management councils
  6. Collective bargaining
  7. Co-partnership
  8. Worker director
  9. Suggestion schemes
  10. Grievance procedures
  11. Quality circles
  12. Problems of workers’ participation in India
  13. Employee empowerment – meaning, elements, conditions and process
  14. Layoff
  15. Retrenchment
  16. Discharge
  17. Dismissal

Unit 5 – 5 lectures

  1. Labour absenteeism and turnover
  2. Concept of labour turnover, causes, effects
  3. Costs of labour turnover
  4. Control of labour turnover
  5. Concept of absenteeism, causes, effects and measure to control absenteeism


Textbooks and Reference:

  • Industrial Relations – S.C. Srivastava
  • Industrial Relations – T.N. Chhabra
  • Personnel Management – Monappa and Saiyaddin
  • Industrial Relations – C.S. Venkata Raman
  • Industrial Relations – Dwivedi

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